The Amrita Fracture Course was organized by the Department of Orthopaedics at the Amrita School of Medicine during October 6-7, 2012. Over 150 delegates participated in the two-day seminar. The. . .
The Amrita School of Communication conducted an outreach program for area schools on October 6, 2012. “The main idea for conducting this program was to provide high school students some. . .
The Amritapuri campus of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham came alive with myriads of lights and colors during Chancellor Amma’s fifty-ninth birthday as lakhs of people poured in from all parts of. . .
The number of fossil-fuel-powered personal transport vehicles in India, including cars and two-wheelers, are increasing at an alarming rate, resulting not only in traffic problems in cities, but also worsening. . .
“I, hereby, solemnly declare and promise that I will, in my thoughts, words and deeds, uphold the ideals of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and commit myself to serving my motherland India,. . .
The Amrita Endocrinology, Diabetes and Diabetic Foot Conference (AEDFC) 2012 was organized at our Health Sciences campus in Kochi during September 14-16, 2012. The conference saw the participation of over. . .
A two-day hands-on training workshop on Embedded Software Development on Beagle Bone Platform was organized at the Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru during September 14-15, 2012. The workshop was organized. . .
It is grown in over 80 countries all over the world. In India, the coastal states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Orissa and West Bengal are home. . .
The Amrita School of Biotechnology celebrated its 8th Annual Day, Biopulse 2012, on September 5. The day saw the inauguration of two new research laboratories for neurosciences by Sampoojya Swami. . .
“sCTF was a worth-while learning experience for all of us. We feel the contest has elevated our caliber and has helped us strive for excellence in the field of cybersecurity.”. . .