The Department of Social Work at the Coimbatore campus invited children from special schools of the National Child Labour Project (NCLP) in Coimbatore to the Amrita campus on November 2,. . .
The Department of Solid Organ Transplant at the Amrita School of Medicine organized a one-day seminar on Organ Donation Awareness for school teachers in collaboration with the Higher Secondary National. . .
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham was selected to coordinate Indian efforts for the prestigious Indo-European Union Exchange Program, Erasmus Mundus II. University Politecnico Di Torino, Italy will coordinate efforts on the European. . .
The first week of November at the Health Sciences campus saw the culmination of two colorful student art festivals. Saarang, celebrated by student nurses came to an end on November. . .
The tenth anniversary of the Amrita College of Nursing was celebrated at the Health Sciences campus on November 1, 2012. The college was inaugurated on November 1, 2002 by Shri.. . .
The world, today, is facing an unparalleled set of problems, viz. climate change, environmental degradation and looming scarcity of fossil fuels. We stand at a chasm, almost at a steadily. . .
Adhvaya 2012, the Arts Festival of the Amrita School of Pharmacy organized by third-year students of BPharm and PharmD concluded on October 16, 2012 at the Health Sciences campus. Sri.. . .
The Amrita fraternity at the Amritapuri campus celebrated the Navaratri Festival with great enthusiasm during October 15-24, 2011. The atrium at the entrance of the institution building underwent a beautiful. . .
The Department of Internal Medicine at the Amrita School of Medicine organized a one-day seminar on Recent Trends in the Diagnosis and Management of Infections on Oct 14, 2012. The. . .
The Electronics, Communication and Instrumentation Forum (ECIF) is made up of enthusiastic young students of the Amrita School of Engineering at Bengaluru. Their innovative ideas were very much in evidence. . .