About 90 students from all Schools at the Amritapuri campus came together for a Youth Camp titled Sanjeevanam during July 20-21, 2013. These students from the Schools of Engineering, Arts. . .
The Amrita School of Ayurveda welcomed their new batch of students in a unique induction program titled Shishyopanayanam on July 15, 2013. The Sanskrit word Shishyopanayanam indicates a ritual that. . .
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the Coimbatore campus organized a four-day faculty development program on Modelling and Simulation of Power System Components during July 8 – 11,. . .
Experts speaking at the National Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy (TAP Energy) during July 4 – 6, 2013, emphasized the role that conservation will have to play. . .
“The era of dependence on fossil fuels is coming to an end. For mankind to survive, we have to resort to maximum utilization of renewable sources of energy, without causing. . .
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at the Coimbatore Campus organized the fourth edition of its national conference on Recent Trends in Communication, Computation and Signal Processing (RTCSP) in. . .
It was in 1990, more than two decades ago, that the Amrita Institute of Computer Technology (AICT) came into being, not too far from the Mata Amritanandamayi Math in Amritapuri,. . .
Faculty, staff and students at the Amritapuri campus had the rare opportunity recently to attend a series of lectures by Swami Anubhavananda Saraswati, who is renowned world-wide for his expositions. . .
The Amrita International CME and workshop on Uro-Oncology was organized at the Health Sciences campus during May 24 – 26, 2013. This three-day program was jointly conducted by the Division. . .
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Coimbatore campus conducted a two-day workshop on Wind Energy: Resource Assessment and Simulation during February 21-22, 2013. Organized in association with the Amrita. . .