A national conference on the topic Challenges in Drug Delivery Research was organized by the Department of Pharmaceutics at Amrita School of Pharmacy during November 8 – 9, 2013. The. . .
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has accomplished another milestone by hosting the 2013 edition of Aspiration 2020, a national level online programming contest. By setting up and allocating the programming environment, more. . .
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham’s Department of Information Technology, School of Engineering at Coimbatore campus hosted Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – All India Student Congress (IEEE-AISC) 2013 from October 3-6, 2014. IEEE-AISC. . .
“The grace factor was evident from the start. Amrita Bioquest was an international scientific festival and the largest conference in the history of Amrita,” remarked Dr. Venkat Rangan, Vice-Chancellor, Amrita. . .
BioQuest 2013 was preceded by a pre-conference workshop on biotechnology and translational medicine at Amrita’s Health Sciences campus where Amrita experts helped delegates understand mathematical models for research in the. . .
BioQuest 2013 provided the perfect platform to showcase Amrita work in the biotech field. Ajith Madhavan, Assistant Professor, Amrita School of Biotechnology spoke on his work in the Development of. . .
Dr. Lee Hartwell received the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology / Medicine for his discovery of protein molecules that control the division of cells. He was the President and Director. . .
Invited speakers and guests at Amrita Bioquest had the opportunity to meet with Chancellor Amma during the conference. They posed many questions and received thoughtful replies. An edited excerpt from. . .
The Amrita School of Biotechnology organized its first ever international conference titled Biotechnology for Innovative Applications during August 11-14, 2013. Speaking at the inauguration, Dr. Venkat Rangan, Vice Chancellor, Amrita. . .
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the Amrita School of Engineering at Coimbatore campus organized a two-day training program on Solar Photovoltaic Systems during August 3 – 4,. . .