On February 17, 2016, Dr. Mahesh Kappanayil, Senior Cardiologist from Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, gave the students of Amrita School of Biotechnology (ASBT) an insightful view of how biotechnology and medicine overlap. Dr. Mahesh, a Pediatric Cardiologist, spoke to the audience at length about two of his most recent projects at AIMS.
Dr. K. P. Subbalakshmi, Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology (SIT), New York, United States, addressed the students and faculty members of Amrita Center for Cybersecurity Systems and Networks, Amritapuri Campus, via A-VIEW (Amrita Virtual Interactive e-Learning World) on October 14, 2015. The talk was titled “Challenges in Social Media Security and Forensics.”
Students from Spirituality Mind Body Institute, Columbia University, visited Amrita Darshanam-International Centre for Spiritual Studies at the Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham for a ten day spiritual retreat during December 26, 2015 to January 6, 2016.
ASTHRA 2016, the flagship event of Amrita School of Business, Kochi, organised an International Symposium on the theme “Green Energy for a Sustainable Future” at Kochi campus on January 22, 2016.
ASTHRA 2016, the flagship event of Department of Management, Kochi, organised an International Symposium on the theme “Green Energy for a Sustainable Future” at Kochi campus on January 22, 2016. The event. . .
The Dravyamritam 2016 Haritakam was celebrated at Amrita school of Ayurveda on 23rd January 2016. This program was organised by the department of of Dravyaguna Vignana along with PG and UG students.
A national workshop on Cloud Computing was conducted on 6th February 2016, by Mr. Javaad Shareef M. A., Development Engineer, Payoda Networks, Coimbatore.
Prof. T. S. Keshava Prasad gave an extensive talk on “Proteomics and Proteogenomic Approaches to Investigate Human Diseases” at Amrita School of Biotechnology on 3rd February, 2016
Among the most exciting recent events at Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore (ASB Coimbatore) was its alumni meet, held on 23rd and 24th January, 2016. The two-day meet saw an enthusiastic participation of alumni, professors and current students. Two hundred+ alumni from all walks of life, including Executive VPs, Directors, CEOs and entrepreneurs from across the globe, walked into the campus to relive their memories of their Alma Mater.
Dr. Kaustabh Kumar Maiti, Senior Scientist from CSIR-NIIST addressed the students and faculty of Amrita School of Biotechnology on January 27th 2015.