Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru organized a technical event, Techwiz, for school students, as a part of Aarohan. Aarohan is exclusively conducted for school students to exhibit and enhance their talents in science and technology every year by the Amrita School of Engineering on the 10th and 11th of November, 2016. The level of participation was astounding, more than 1500 students from 46 renowned schools of Bangalore attended.
Amrita Darshanam- International Centre for Spiritual Studies, in association with Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), hosted a National Seminar on “Kerala School of Astronomy and Mathematics: Contributions and Contemporary Relevance” on November 4th-5th, 2016, at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam.
Amrita School of Dentistry conducted the 38th National Conference of Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, PedoByte 2016, at Le-Meridian, Kochi, from October 20 – 22, 2016. Six pre-conference courses were conducted at Amrita School of Dentistry, Kochi on October 19, 2016.
ENERGON is an energy conservation week organised by IEEE PES and IAS combined student chapter of Amrita school of Engineering, Bengaluru, on October 24-28, 2016. This event was designed to inform students about the importance of energy, and energy issues and conservation in an interactive and engaging manner.
A workshop on ‘Broadcast Media in India – Program Production and Management’ was organized by the department of Visual Communication of School of Arts and Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Mysuru campus, on October 26, 2016. Dr. Niranjan Vanalli, Professor, Writer and Freelance Journalist, Registrar, Music University, Mysore, was the resource person of the session.
On 27th October, 2016, a one-day national workshop on ‘IPv6 on IoT’ was conducted by Mr. Baldev Krishnamurthy, Founder and Managing Director, A2B2 IT Services Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru.
On 26th October 2016, Mr. Gopalakrishnan, a Chartered Accountant from Mysore, gave a technical talk on Goods and Services Tax (GST) at the Department of Management and Commerce, School of Arts and Sciences, Mysyuru.
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham organized a national workshop on the ‘Role of Universities in Empowering Indian Villages’ at Coimbatore Campus from September 21-23, 2016. Over 100 experts attended the event, which began with a tree plantation drive in which 150 trees were planted by nearly 100 students and staff of the institution.
Capital Market is one of the significant aspects of every financial market. Laying the foundation of Capital Market to students, Mr. N. Mahesh Kumar, a veteran with decades of work experience across leading financial services companies, conducted a half-day session at ECR Hall in Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore.
IEEE-PES& IAS, student branch joint chapter of Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru, organized a one day workshop with hands-on session on “Solar 360 : Electrical” on October 22, 2016.