A four-day workshop on Temple Architecture and Iconography (Level 2) was conducted by Amrita Darshanam – International Centre for Spiritual Studies (ICSS) at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru campus, October 17-20, 2019. It came as a follow-up to the Three-day Temple Workshop (Level 1), which was organized by the Centre in January 2019.
Mr. Srikanta Shetty, a Kannada Enthusiast, flagged off the Kannada Rajyotsava celebrations at Amrita Mysuru campus on November 4, 2019. Addressing the gathering the Chief Guest traced the rich heritage of Kannada language and culture and emphasized the need for retaining it.
‘The teachers have contributed a lot towards preparing India’s young generation to secure the future of the country,’ said Shri. Deepak Vohra, Special Advisor to the Prime Ministers of India, Lesotho and Guinea-Bissau. He was addressing ‘You are the Light’ event held at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Chennai campus, to honour the CBSE teachers who won National Best Teacher Award for the year 2018 – 2019 for CBSE and State Board.
The School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, organized the second edition of the science exhibition titled “Amrita National Science Olympiad” from October 30-31, 2019, on the campus. The theme for this year was “Sustainable Development for a Self – Sustaining Future”.
Ayurveda Day was celebrated around the world on October 25, 2019, as a global initiative to promote and preserve Ayurveda. Ayurveda Day aimed to promote UN-WHO Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages.) by raising awareness about the strong role that Ayurveda can play in the realization of SDG 3. Ayurveda Day also coincided with the Dhanwantari Day.
A training program on the Integrated Amrita Meditation (IAM) Technique for the first year BAMS students was conducted at Amrita School of Ayurveda from October 30-31, 2019, at Amriteswari Hall from 7.30 am to 9.30am.
The Department of Samhita & Basic Principles of Ayurveda, School of Ayurveda, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, conducted a two-day seminar “Charakatatvamritam 2019”- Parayana and Sambhasha on Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana, from October 28-29, 2019.
The Onam celebrations, ‘Sarkaravaratti Naalukal’ of Amrita School of Ayurveda, were held from September 30-October 1, 2019, amidst great cheer and the cultural extravaganza witnessed mass participation. The event was attended by all the batches in the School of Ayurveda, as well as all the teaching and non-teaching staff of the college. ‘Sarkaravaratti Naalukal’ was on an altogether grander scale than ever.
As part of creating awareness among students about ragging and its consequences, a talk on “Legal Aspects of Ragging” by Dr. Jacob P. Alex, Advocate, High Court of Kerala, was organized by the Anti-ragging Committee of Amrita School of Pharmacy on July 27, 2019.
The Forum of Aspiring Computer Engineers (FACE), from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru campus, organized a 24-hour Hackathon event, SLAC, sponsored by Honeywell Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd., on August 1, 2019.