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Experts Speak at SecurIT 2012

Experts Speak at SecurIT 2012

August 19, 2012

Before the start of the three-day International Conference on Security of Internet of Things at the Amritapuri campus, Chancellor Amma told conference organizers to pay attention to those applications that. . .

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Gulf Times – Electronics Industry Will Need 2.8mn Professionals by 2020
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The Hindu – Rs.10,000 Crore for Country’s Electronics Sector
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The New Indian Express – 2.8 m Professionals Needed by 2020
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Indian electronic industry will need 2.8 mn professionals by 2020
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The Hindu – Report on IT Meet at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
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The Economic Times – Transparency, Accessibility of Internet Data Important: Bob Kahn
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The New Indian Express – SecurIT at Amritapuri from August 17
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Delegates Meet Chancellor Amma

Delegates Meet Chancellor Amma

August 17, 2012

“Indian religion has never shied away from science; on the other hand, it has always embraced it, seeing it in the some ways, as a counterpart to spirituality,” stated Swami. . .

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