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Explaining the Katapayadi System

Explaining the Katapayadi System

August 24, 2011

The renowned poet, linguist, mathematician and astronomer from Kerala, Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri, authored the devotional discourse Narayaniyam. According to legend, the nearly paralyzed Bhattathiri composed a dasaka of ten verses. . .

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Amrita Yoga Classes for Faculty and Staff

August 22, 2011

        August 22, 2011 Amritapuri Campus   “Ancient yogis who lived in forest gurukulas spent much time carefully observing specific movements of various animals; these yogis left. . .

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Celebrating Sri Krishna Jayanthi

August 22, 2011

        August 30, 2011 Amritapuri Campus   “Many great souls have taken birth on this earth. But Sri Krishna was a master and guide for all times,. . .

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Choosing ASB Over IIMs

August 20, 2011

        August 20, 2011 School of Business, Coimbatore   With a Common Admission Test or CAT score of 99.99 percentile, Vishnu Mohan, an IIT Madras graduate, got. . .

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Utilizing New Media for the Good of India

August 12, 2011

        August 12, 2011 School of Communication, Coimbatore   In the modern world, getting the latest news is as simple as switching on the computer and typing. . .

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On and Off the Internet

August 12, 2011

        August 12, 2011 School of Communication, Coimbatore   She awakens suddenly, pulled from sleep by a nagging feeling reminding her that it’s been hours since she. . .

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A Customer Innovation Ecosystem

August 3, 2011

        August 3, 2011 School of Business, Kochi   “Customer driven innovation is fundamental to productivity and success of a firm” stated Sandhya G., Amrita School of. . .

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Treating the Epidemic

Treating the Epidemic

August 1, 2011

        August 1, 2011 School of Biotechnology, Amritapuri   You could have this disease and not even know it. Sometimes there are no symptoms. Or you may. . .

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Engineering Students Compete in Austria

Engineering Students Compete in Austria

July 25, 2011

 July 25, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore   “Where commitment and team work blend, a pathway for a new generation to follow, is created.”   Expressing such lofty sentiments, the. . .

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Investing in Teachers for the Future

July 18, 2011

        August 3, 2011 Coimbatore Campus   In ancient India, spirituality and education went hand in hand. Likewise, knowledge and values were inseparable.   However, in today’s. . .

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