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Earth Hour 2012 at Amrita

Earth Hour 2012 at Amrita

March 31, 2012

How much impact can one committed person make? Quite a lot, as it turns out. Varun Venkataraman, final-year student of B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) at Amrita’s Coimbatore campus initiated various programs. . .

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Legal Pluralism in Natural Resource Management

Legal Pluralism in Natural Resource Management

March 30, 2012

It is said to be one of the most controversial mining projects in the world. Although India’s Supreme Court cleared Vedanta’s proposal for bauxite mining in Odisha in 2007, the. . .

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CII Yi Net Honors for Amrita Faculty and Student

CII Yi Net Honors for Amrita Faculty and Student

March 28, 2012

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) bestowed two national awards to Amrita recently. Dr. R. G. Priyadarshini, Associate Professor, Amrita School of Business, received the Best Yi Net Teacher Award.. . .

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Bursary Award for Research Scholar

Bursary Award for Research Scholar

March 26, 2012

When Gandhiji visited London in 1931, he sadly observed that India at that time was more illiterate than it was a hundred years ago. Indeed, extensive surveys conducted by the. . .

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Women Participation for Rural Development

March 23, 2012

An Amrita paper titled Women Participation is Must for Rural Development, was published in the March 2012 Issue of IFRSA Business Review. A publication of the International Forum of Researchers,. . .

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Learning About Computer Vision

Learning About Computer Vision

March 21, 2012

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Amrita’s Bengaluru campus organized a national-level seminar on Computer Vision for Robotics during February 24-25, 2012. The Department of Computer Science and. . .

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Amrita Alumnus at Max-Planck Institute in Germany

March 20, 2012

The Max-Planck Institute in Germany is regarded as one of the world’s top research organizations. Over the years, luminaries such as Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg and Max-Planck have been associated. . .

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MoU for Automotive Technology Center

MoU for Automotive Technology Center

March 20, 2012

Coimbatore campus recently saw the unveiling of a new Amrita Automotive Technology Center (AATC) that will be led by Dr. Thirumalini, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering. “The center will boost. . .

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New MoU with UC Davis

March 19, 2012

Dr. Prasanth Mohapatra, Professor and Chairman, Department of Computer Sciences at the University of California (UC) in Davis, was recently in Amrita as the co-chair of the International Conference on. . .

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Appreciation for IEEE Student Chapter

March 14, 2012

After the many laurels won by the IEEE Student Chapter at the Amritapuri campus, it was the turn of the Chapter at the Coimbatore campus to receive accolades. The Chapter. . .

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