Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham’s Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is supporting several higher educational institutions pan-India in terms of knowledge exchange and dissemination of best practices. As part of this IQAC. . .
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham’s Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is supporting several autonomous higher educational institutions and universities pan-India in terms of knowledge exchange, dissemination of best practices, and participation in. . .
Date Event Topic Platform 06/01/2022 Induction of NSS Unit 6 Inauguration of NSS Programme – Microsoft Teams Schedule Time Programme 5.00 -5.05 Prayer Song 5.05- 5.15 Welcome Address 5.15- 5.30. . .
Date Event Topic Platform 26/01/20222 On the Occasion of azadi ka amrit mahotsav (celebrating 75 years of indian independence) republic day – essay writing – Nss unit v Celebrating unsung. . .
Dr. Prashant R. Nair, Vice-Chairman – IQAC, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, conducted an academic audit of Sona College of Technology (Autonomous), Salem on June 2, 2023. He scrutinized the. . .
Dr. Prashant R. Nair, Vice-Chairman – IQAC, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, virtually inaugurated a NAAC-sponsored national seminar on “Innovative Strategies and Practices in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Process for. . .
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham’s Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is supporting several higher educational institutions pan-India in terms of knowledge exchange and dissemination of best practices. As part of this IQAC. . .
Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore has initiated collaborations with NGOs with the aim to bring academics and civil society organizations / NGOs together with a vision to enhance knowledge exchange. . .
Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore, has announced the winners of the NGO Case Exemplar Contest on May 10, 2023. The contest was open from April 8, 2023 to May 8,. . .
Dr. Prashant R. Nair, Vice-Chairman, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, attended the Board of Studies (BoS) meeting of the MCA program of Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute. . .