The prestigious International Green Gown Awards have recognised Amrita’s “Nurturing nature – holistic pathways towards nature positivity”. Regularly and wholeheartedly, students and faculty participate in tree planting drives, seed ball. . .
KEY POINTS The International Green Gown Awards have recognised Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham’s Live-in-Labs® for its impactful work in transforming rural communities across India. Amma launched the internship program in 2013. . .
Dr. Prem Nair, the Group Medical Director of Amrita Hospitals in Kochi and Faridabad, was awarded the Tharang Golden Honour for Global Excellence by the Indian Medical Association. The Honourable. . .
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has been re-conferred the title of World Centre of Excellence on Landslide Risk Reduction (WCoEs)” for the 3rd time in a row by the International Programme on. . .
Amrita Professor, Dr.Prabaharan awarded Defence Research and Development Organisation’s Academy Excellence Award 2018 for his team’s outstanding research and development contribution on December 18, 2020. Dr. Prabhakaran P. a professor. . .