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As 2011 Ends, And 2012 Begins …

December 13, 2011

        December 12, 2011 Amritapuri Campus   44 million and counting. During the first six months of 2011,* that’s how many people were affected by the 108. . .

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Center for Computational Neuroscience presents at GUIDE Conference

Center for Computational Neuroscience presents at GUIDE Conference

December 11, 2011

Recent work on Virtual Labs was presented at the GUIDE conference titled “E-learning innovative models for the integration of education, technology and research” held at Rome, Italy from Nov 18-19, 2011. GUIDE. . .

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Training on Plumbing

Training on Plumbing

December 11, 2011

On August 11, 2011, SAVE delivered for the first time, the Assistant Plumbing course based on the Modular Employable Skills (MES) syllabus at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Kerala. Participants consisted of 7 women from within 10 to 15 km of the Amritapuri campus. While varied in their educational attainment, occupational histories, and economic levels (above poverty level, but towards the lower economic spectrum), the participants were driven to initiate a positive change in their lives with the hope that completion of the course would lead to better opportunities for themselves and family.

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ACM-ICPC Asia Regional Contest at Amrita

ACM-ICPC Asia Regional Contest at Amrita

December 10, 2011

The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is a multi-tier, team-based, programming competition operating under the auspices of ACM for the past 36 years. A global network of universities host regional competitions that select teams for the ACM-ICPC World Finals. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is one of two such universities in India, IIT Kanpur being the other one. Amrita has hosted an Asia Regional Contest for the past seven years now.

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For Serving Humanity

For Serving Humanity

December 7, 2011

December 7, 2011 School of Engineering, Amritapuri He has impacted the lives of more than 25 million people; at least that many bought his bestselling book, A Brief History of. . .

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The Global Learning Community

The Global Learning Community

December 5, 2011

        December 5, 2011 School of Biotechnology   The concept of globalization is often associated with economic advances brought about by the reduction of international trade barriers.. . .

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SCADA Expert at Amritapuri

December 1, 2011

        December 18, 2011 School of Engineering, Amritapuri   SCADA computer systems gather data from a remote facility, either a waste water treatment plant or an oil. . .

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Cleanliness is Godliness

Cleanliness is Godliness

November 30, 2011

Our Chancellor Amma speaks:   Cleanliness is Godliness. Nothing in nature needs to be beautified. Nothing needs to be repaired or renovated. Forests, oceans, mountains and rivers all have their. . .

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Ethical hacking contest at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Ethical hacking contest at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

November 29, 2011

Hindu, November 29, 2011 Amrita Centre for Cyber Security of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is conducting ‘India Capture the Flag (InCTF)’, an ethical hacking contest. It is to promote awareness about. . .

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Moulding the Next Generation

Moulding the Next Generation

November 28, 2011

Clay can be moulded into any desired shape before it is placed in a kiln. But once it is fired, the shape cannot be changed. Thus we should teach our. . .

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