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Open Source Contribution From IoT Project

Open Source Contribution From IoT Project

February 12, 2012

SPARK is an open source in-memory cluster computing framework getting so much attention these days, just like Hadoop. Initially it was developed in UC Berkely AMPLab and now an Apache. . .

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Human Values for Corporate Life

Human Values for Corporate Life

February 6, 2012

“What do human values mean to me as a prospective professional in management?” MBA students from over thirty B-Schools in the country pondered on this question, as they participated in. . .

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The Telegraph Monday- If I had a hammer

The Telegraph Monday- If I had a hammer

February 6, 2012

According to a 2006 World Bank report, about 6,800 schools that offer vocational courses are utilizing only 40 percent of their full capacity. The empty seats what prompted B. Bhavani. . .

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Tribal Camp in Wayanad

Tribal Camp in Wayanad

February 3, 2012

High up in the Western Ghats, the pristine Wayanad District in Kerala is home to tribal population. It is the least populous district in Kerala and is also considered as. . .

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Vidyut – A Student Initiative

Vidyut – A Student Initiative

February 3, 2012

Paper presentations, project demonstrations and technical contests. The Vidyut multiFest encouraged students to put forth their best and learn from each other, even while competing. Many winning papers emphasized sustainable. . .

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Vidyut Participants Attend Enlightening Workshops

Vidyut Participants Attend Enlightening Workshops

February 2, 2012

“I was trying to make a DSSC for the past six months by reading papers, but I couldn’t succeed. Today within four hours, I made a wonderful cell with output. . .

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Science Village – A Huge Draw at Vidyut

Science Village – A Huge Draw at Vidyut

February 2, 2012

Imagine a future when all houses generate their own electricity through either solar or wind power. They harvest and store rain water and use it as their primary source of. . .

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Vidyut Multi-Fest at Amrita

February 1, 2012

Engineering colleges in India organize tech fests. Business schools host management fests. With Amrita’s focus on multi-disciplinary education and research, it is but natural that B.Tech., M.Tech., B.Sc., M.Sc. and. . .

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Book Chapter Published

January 31, 2012

Amrita faculty recently authored a book chapter on Biotechnology Virtual Labs, which is included in book titled Innovations in Biotechnology. The book will be published by InTech, an open access. . .

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Delnet Workshop at Amritapuri

Delnet Workshop at Amritapuri

January 28, 2012

At Amrita, students are provided access to world-class resources and infrastructure. Amrita also actively supports efforts to bring these resources with easy reach of all students in India. It was. . .

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