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Amrita BTech Students Develop Low-cost Face Masks to Fight COVID-19

Amrita BTech Students Develop Low-cost Face Masks to Fight COVID-19

April 29, 2020

Making and using protective masks is an effective way to fight against COVID-19 or Coronavirus pandemic. A group of three students, Raj Praveen, Venkadasubramaniyan and Harisudhan, pursuing Mechanical Engineering degrees from the School of. . .

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Amrita Humanitarian Technology (HuT) Labs’ First US Patent Gets Approved

Amrita Humanitarian Technology (HuT) Labs’ First US Patent Gets Approved

April 28, 2020

The Humanitarian Technology (HuT) Labs of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus, got its first US Patent approved. The patent is. . .

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Amrita Develops Cost Effective Ventilator to Fight COVID-19

Amrita Develops Cost Effective Ventilator to Fight COVID-19

April 26, 2020

During the COVID-19 crisis, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, has developed a cost effective ventilator for COVID-19 patients. Faculty Members designed a model at a lower cost compared to other ventilators.. . .

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Amrita Alumni Team Develops Robot to Assist Health Workers during COVID-19

Amrita Alumni Team Develops Robot to Assist Health Workers during COVID-19

April 10, 2020

A team of Amrita Alumni and their colleagues has developed a robot to help health workers in their fight against the novel coronavirus. The robot named ‘Novus Care’ will be. . .

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Amrita Students Win Prizes at Technology Infusion Grand Challenge, Melbourne

Amrita Students Win Prizes at Technology Infusion Grand Challenge, Melbourne

March 20, 2020

The student teams from the School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, won prizes at the Technology Infusion Grand Challenge (ITGC) of La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. The Technology Infusion Grand. . .

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Amrita Paper in International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics

Amrita Paper in International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics

March 16, 2020

In a paper published by the International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, a team from the Amrita School of Engineering, in Coimbatore, India, provided details of what they refer. . .

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Amrita Student Groups Enter Semifinals of CISCO Global Problem Solver Challenge 2020

Amrita Student Groups Enter Semifinals of CISCO Global Problem Solver Challenge 2020

March 14, 2020

Three student groups from the Humanitarian Technology (HuT) Labs of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus, made it into the semifinals of the fourth. . .

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Amrita Scholar Wins AWSAR Award for Best Popular Science Stories

Amrita Scholar Wins AWSAR Award for Best Popular Science Stories

March 13, 2020

Ms. Krishna Kumari, a Ph.D. Scholar of the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, has been selected for the Augmenting Writing Skills for. . .

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Aerospace Students Develops a Technology to Convert Single-use Plastics into Useful Products

Aerospace Students Develops a Technology to Convert Single-use Plastics into Useful Products

March 4, 2020

Mr. Akash Vineet, Mr. Akash Jayakumar and Mr. Abhihas Balaji, students of the Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, guided by Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik (Professor, Department of Aerospace. . .

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Amrita Students Win at Reboot Kerala Hackathon2020

Amrita Students Win at Reboot Kerala Hackathon2020

February 27, 2020

The teams ‘Think’ and ‘f@lc0n’, each consisting of six-members from semester four B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering B Batch and D batch of the School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa. . .

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