A 33-year-old male patient was brought to Amrita Hospital by his relatives with a gunshot injury on October 30, 2019. He was accidentally shot by his 10-year-old student friend from. . .
Amrita Doctors Reconstruct 9-Month-Old’s Breast Bone Using 3D Printing Technology/
Dr. N. Dinesh, Professor and Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, has been conferred with prestigious ‘Doctors Day Award 2019’ (Indian Medical Association, New Delhi, South Zone Doctors Day Celebration) at Kanyakumari on July 20, 2019, in recognition of sustainable philanthropic contributions in health care delivery, exemplary role model life style, altruistic social service and enhancing wholistic well-being.
Dr. V. Kanthaswamy, Addl. Controller of Examinations, Examination Control Division (Unit 1), Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, has been honoured as the “Founder Father of Forensic Medicine in Kerala”.
On 28th December 2018, Dr. Subramania Iyer, Chairman and Professor, Plastic Surgery and Head & Neck Surgery, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, was awarded the prestigious SIEMENS- GAPIO (Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin) Innovation Award in Medicine for performing ‘Hand Transplant Surgery’ for the first time in India.
India’s very first two double hand transplants were carried out successfully at the Amrita Hospital, Kochi, in September 2014 and January 2015, respectively. Now, just over a year later, the. . .
A nineteen-year-old female patient was suffering from acute blood cancer or acute myeloid leukaemia. Her disease slipped into a life-threatening stage even after two cycles of chemotherapy. She did not. . .