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About Project

“Livelihood activities, large scale food systems and human health

Social entrepreneurs, or social innovators have been working with cooperatives, small farmers, and government agencies to build sustainable livelihoods for millions of rural families across India, and the world. Some of the strategies used to build sustainable livelihoods is through livestock rearing such as cows, broiler chicken, goats, and fish. A fallout from these livelihood strategies has been the increased use of antibiotic on livestock to enhance the rapid growth, add weight, prevent disease, and death of the livestock to gain maximum profit.
It has been suggested that the development of the large scale food systems are substantial drivers of climate change, increase in the burden of diseases, and have severe implications for humans and the planet. While there is rampant use of antibiotics on livestock with no stringent implementation of protocols, the evidence that links the use of antibiotics on livestock, livestock consumption, and the effects on human health is lacking. This PhD aims to understand the fallout effects of these livelihood strategies on the long-term health effects on consumers of livestock”

Department & Campus

Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore

Skillsets preferred from applicants

Professionalism; willingness to work collaboratively; qualitative research methods; mixed methods; reflexivity


Dr. Hemalatha Venkataraman
Dr. Hemalatha Venkataraman
Assistant Professor

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How to Apply

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