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Phytochemical and pharmacological activities of caesalpinia pulcherrima – An overview

Authors : Anju, V., Dr. Subin Mary Zachariah

Publisher : International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

A Treatment Dilemma Concerning Immunosuppressant Use: A Case Report

Authors : Iype, M.S.M., Iype, M.S.M., Kunoor, A., Kunoor, A., Anila K N, Anila K N

Publisher : Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

Medication Errors – Better Safe than Sorry

Authors : Dr. Aneesh T. P., Sonal Sekhar M, Asha Jose, Liya Elezabeth Bose, Dennis T

Publisher : Pharma Bio World

GC-MS Analysis Of Phytochemical Compounds Present In The Rhizomes Of Nervilia Aragoana Gaud

Authors : Thomas, Elizabeth, Dr. Aneesh T. P., Thomas, DG, Anandan, R

Publisher : Asian J Pharm Clin Res

Holistic way to green life

Authors : Dr. S. Sathianarayanan, Diana Thomas, K.N.Fasmi, Asha jose

Publisher : The Internet Journal of Alternative Medicine

Evaluation of Tabernamontana divaricata for its Antibacterial Activity against Marine Pathogens

Authors : S.K. Kanthlal

Publisher : Inventi Rapid: Pharm Biotech & Microbio

Evaluation of Protective Effect of Luffa acutangula Extract against Bilateral Carotid artery occlusion (BCAO) induced strock in rats

Authors : Dr. S. Sathianarayanan, Asha Jose, A. Rajasekharan, Rijo Mary George, Amrutha B. Chittethu

Publisher : Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research

Economic evaluation of end stage renal disease patients undergoing hemodialysis

Authors : Suja, A.a b, Anju, R.a, Anju, V.a, Neethu, J.a, Peeyush, P.a, Saraswathy, R.c

Publisher : Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences

Formulation and optimization of clotrimazole-loaded proniosomal gel using 3 2 factorial design

Authors : Thomas, L., Viswanad, V.

Publisher : Scientia Pharmaceutica

Steroid Induced Hypokalemia – A Case Report

Authors : Roshni P. R., Sai Keerthana P.C, Krishna Priya Raj

Publisher : International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review Research.

Phytochemical screening and anthelmintic activity of methanolic extract of Imperata cylindrica

Authors : Saranya .T.S, N.G. Parvathy, R. Padma, V. Renjith, K.P. Rahate

Publisher : International journal of Pharmacy and pharmaceutical science

An overview on hepatoprotective activity of natural products

Authors : Dr. Subin Mary Zachariah, Aleykutty, N.b, Dr. Vidya Viswanad, Halima, O.A.a

Publisher : Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology

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