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Alcohol: Its health and social impact in India

Authors : Vasudevan, D.M, Das, S.K, Balakrishnan, V.

Publisher : National Medical Journal of India

Clinical manifestations of lead workers of Mangalore, India

Authors : Pillay V. V., Adhikari P,, Kuruvilla A, Venkatesh T,, Chakrapani M,, Jayaprakash Rao HT,, Bastia BK,, Rajeev A,, Saralaya KM,, Rai M

Publisher : Toxicol Ind Health

Alcohol abuse-duration dependent decrease in plasma testosterone and antioxidants in males

Authors : Vasudevan, D.M, Maneesh, M, Dutta, S, Chakrabarti, A

Publisher : Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology

Biochemical markers of degree of liver fibrosis: Predictor of degree of liver damage

Authors : Das, SK, Balakrishnan, V, Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan


Utility of serum hydroxyproline, Type IV collagen and AST to platelet ratio index (APRI) in the prediction of liver damage

Authors : Subir Das, V. Balakrishnan, Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan

Publisher : 9th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-Clinical-Chemistry

Paraquat: The underestimated lethal pesticide

Authors : Pillay V. V.

Publisher : ” J Indian Soc Toxicol

Oxidative stress is the primary event: Effects of ethanol consumption in brain

Authors : Vasudevan, D.M, Das, S.K, Hiran, K.R, Mukherjee, S

Publisher : Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry

Occupational injury surveillance: A study in a metal smelting industry

Authors : Vasudevan, D.M, Saha, A, Kumar, S

Publisher : Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

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