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Effect of withaferin, a radiosensitizer, on the erythrocyte antioxidants in carcinoma of uterine cervix

Authors : Vasudevan, D.M, Reshma, K, Rao, A.V., Dinesh, M

Publisher : Biomedical Research

Effect of Alcohol on Brain: A Brief Overview

Authors : Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan, Subir Das

Publisher : SFRR India Bulletin

Effect of lecithin with vitamin-b complex and tocopheryl acetate on long term effect of ethanol induced immunomodulatory activities

Authors : Vasudevan, D.M, Das, S.K, Gupta, G, Rao, D.N

Publisher : Indian Journal of Experimental Biology

The deadly dose

Authors : Pillay V. V.

Publisher : The Black Cat Journal

Detection of Y STR markers of male fetal DNA in maternal circulation

Authors : Sam Peter, Pillay V. V., Rajammal B.

Publisher : Indian J Hum Genet

A rare congenital anomaly of urinary bladder-“Bladder ears”

Authors : Lakshminarayana, G., Mathew, A, Rajesh, R, Kurien, G, Unni, V.N.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Nephrology

Biotechnology in forensic science: the revolution continues.

Authors : Pillay V. V., Menezes R.G., Krishnaprasad R., Pillay M., Lobo S.W., Adhikari D., Vishwanath P., Bhat N.B., Kanchan T., Vasudevan D.M.

Publisher : Nepal Medical College journal : NMCJ

Obesity in children & adolescents

Authors : Raj, M., Krishna Kumar, R.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Medical Research

Biochemistry: JP’s Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series

Authors : Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan, S Sreekumari

Publisher : 1st ed. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers,

Disseminated Peritoneal Leiomyosarcomas After Laparoscopic " Myomectomy" and Morcellation

Authors : Anupama, R.a, Ahmad, S.Z.a, Kuriakose, S.a, Vijaykumar, D.K.a, Pavithran, K.b, Seethalekshmy, N.V.c

Publisher : Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology

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