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Autochthonous Blastomycosis of the Adrenal: First Case Report from Asia

Authors : Kumar, Anil, Sreehari, Sreekala, Velayudhan, Kandan, Dr. Lalitha Biswas, Babu, Rachana, Ahmed, Shabeer, Sharma, Neelakanta, Kurupath, Vasanth P., Jojo, Annie, Dinesh, Kavitha R., Karim, Shamsul, Biswas, Raja

Publisher : The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

CSF leak in operated patients of spinal dysraphism- a retrospective analysis of a complication

Authors : Suhas Udayakumaran, Dilip Panikar

Publisher : 40th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery

Brain Abscess in children with cyanotic congenital heart disease: a retrospective analysis. How are they different?

Authors : Suhas Udayakumaran, Srinath Reddy, Raman Krishnakumar, Dilip Panikar

Publisher : 40th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery

Bizarre presentations of “Creeping” shunts and the role of plain radiographs

Authors : Suhas Udayakumaran

Publisher : 40th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery

Expressive bound morphemes in Malayalam-speaking children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Authors : Maria Grace Treasa; , Shyamala, K. C.

Publisher : 41st All India Conference of Dravidian Linguistics, University of Madras, Chennai

Irrigation-coupled bipolar cautery unit: A practical, economical, and simple version

Authors : Sharma, S.a b, Haji, A.a, Vijaykumar, D.a, Shaji, A.a

The quality of life of patients on maintenance hemodialysis and those who underwent renal transplantation

Authors : Sreejitha, NS, Devi, KS, Deepa, M, Narayana, GL, Anil, M, Rajesh, R, George, K, Unni, VN

Publisher : Amrita J Med

Complementary medicine and alternative therapies

Authors : Chitra P., Dr. Jeyagowri M., Dr. Pavithran K.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing

Patterns and Complications of Sepsis in Critically Ill Patients and the Role of Apache IV Score in Predicting Mortality

Authors : Sreedharan, Baiju Faizal, MGK Pillai, Sunil Senan

Publisher : Amrita Journal of Medicine.

The surgical outcome of anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery

Authors : Muzaffar, Tasneem, Ganie, Farooq Ahmad, Swamy, Sunil Gpoal, others

Publisher : International cardiovascular research journal

Comparison of quality of life in advanced laryngeal cancer patients after concurrent chemoradiotherapy vs total laryngectomy

Authors : Trivedi, N.P., Swaminathan, D.K., Thankappan, K., Chatni, S., Kuriakose, M.A., Dr. Subramania Iyer K.

Publisher : Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

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