Authors : Regin Elsa George, Siby Joseph, Arun.S.Menon
Publisher : International Journal of Pharma Research,
Authors : Menon AS, Andrews S, Rajan, Rajan S, Paul J.
Authors : Rajan, Sunil, Narendran, Harindran, Andrews, Susamma
Publisher : Anesthesia, Essays and Researches
Authors : Pillay V. V.
Publisher : Toxicol Newsletter, Amer Coll Emerg Physicians
Authors : Menon, Saumya, Rajesh, Gopalakrishna, Balakrishnan, Vallath
Publisher : Journal of The Association of Physicians of India
Authors : Meera P. Cherian, Menon Unnikrishnan K
Publisher : Kerala State Journal of ENT and Head Neck Surgery.
Authors : Sunil, Rajan, Vijay, Shankar, Jerry, Paul, others
Publisher : Ain-Shams Journal of Anaesthesiology
Authors : Rajan, S, Seetharaman, M, Nair, SG
Publisher : Amrita Journal of Medicine
Authors : Madhumita, K, Midhuna, PC
Publisher : Amrita Journal of Medicine
Authors : Rajgopal, Rajesh, Rajan, Sunil, Sapru, Kavitha, Paul, Jerry
Publisher : Anesthesia, Essays and Researches
Publisher : Diabetes and exocrine pancreas.
Authors : Rajeev, KR, Menon, Smrithy S, Beena, K, Holla, Raghavendra, Kumar, R Rajaneesh, Dinesh, M, others
Publisher : Journal of cancer research and therapeutics