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Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of add on Therapy of Vildagliptin Against Pioglitazone In Type 2 Diabetic Patients : A Prospective Observational Study

Authors : Regin Elsa George, Siby Joseph, Arun.S.Menon

Publisher : International Journal of Pharma Research,

Comparison of recovery criteria in morbidly obese patients undergoing laparoscopic gastric sleeve resection following use of sevoflurane and isoflurane

Authors : Rajan, Sunil, Narendran, Harindran, Andrews, Susamma

Publisher : Anesthesia, Essays and Researches

The present scenario of Poison Control Centres in India and the need for many more

Authors : Pillay V. V.

Publisher : Toxicol Newsletter, Amer Coll Emerg Physicians

Pancreas and Diabetes Mellitus: The Relationship between the Organ and the Disease

Authors : Menon, Saumya, Rajesh, Gopalakrishna, Balakrishnan, Vallath

Publisher : Journal of The Association of Physicians of India

BPPV – an Institutional experience

Authors : Meera P. Cherian, Menon Unnikrishnan K

Publisher : Kerala State Journal of ENT and Head Neck Surgery.

The role of intravenous magnesium sulphate in attenuating pressor response to laryngoscopy and intubation in patients undergoing major head and neck surgeries

Authors : Sunil, Rajan, Vijay, Shankar, Jerry, Paul, others

Publisher : Ain-Shams Journal of Anaesthesiology

A confusional tumour of the tongue

Authors : Madhumita, K, Midhuna, PC

Publisher : Amrita Journal of Medicine

Tropical chronic pancreatitis: what’s new?

Publisher : Diabetes and exocrine pancreas.

A comparative study of set up variations and bowel volumes in supine versus prone positions of patients treated with external beam radiation for carcinoma rectum

Authors : Rajeev, KR, Menon, Smrithy S, Beena, K, Holla, Raghavendra, Kumar, R Rajaneesh, Dinesh, M, others

Publisher : Journal of cancer research and therapeutics

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