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Comparison of lipid profile and antioxidant enzymes among south Indian men consuming coconut oil and sunflower oil

Authors : Sabitha, P., Vaidyanathan, K, Vasudevan, D.M, Kamath, P

Publisher : Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry

Bio-width index: a novel biomarker for prognostication of long term outcomes in patients with anaemia and heart failure.

Authors : Subramanian, Muthiah, Prabhu, Mukund A, Saravanan, Selva, Thachathodiyl, Rajesh

Publisher : Acta Cardiol

Vancomycin creep and Daptomycin Minimum Inhibitory Concentration in Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

Authors : Nandakumar, Aswathy, Kumar, Anil, Dinesh, Kavitha R, Karim, Shamsul

Publisher : Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Clinicopathological spectrum of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease among patients in Kerala

Authors : Das, S.K., Mukherjee, S, Pandey, G, Balakrishnan, V, Vasudevan, D.M;

Publisher : Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry

Bioadhesive, Hemostatic, and Antibacterial in Situ Chitin-Fibrin Nanocomposite Gel for Controlling Bleeding and Preventing Infections at Mediastinum

Authors : Nivedhitha Sundaram M., Krishnamoorthi Kaliannagounder, V., Selvaprithiviraj, V., Suresh, M., Biswas, R., Vasudevan, A.K., Varma, P.K., Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy

Publisher : ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, American Chemical Society

Biliary complications among live donors following live donor liver transplantation.

Authors : Shaji Mathew, Johns, Manikandan, K, Santosh Kumar, K Y, Binoj, S T, Dinesh Balakrishnan, Gopalakrishnan, Unnikrishnan, Narayana Menon, Ramachandran, Dhar, Puneet, Sudheer, O V, Aneesh, S, Sudhindran, Surendran

Publisher : Surgeon

CNS Infections

Authors : Arun Grace Roy

Publisher : Amrita Journal of Medicine

Use of polymethyl methacrylate as prosthetic replacement of destroyed foot bones—case series

Authors : Varma, Visakh, Varma, Ajit Kumar, Mangalandan, TS, Bal, Arun, Kumar, Harish

Publisher : J Diabetic Foot Complications

Comparison of different hyperplasia due to 21‑hydroxylase deficiency

Authors : Ajish TP, V. P. Praveen, B. Nisha, Harish Kumar

Publisher : Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism

Acute Urinary Retention – Atypical Presentation

Authors : Ajith Kumar, Priya R Menon, Naveen Mohan, Gireesh Kumar

Publisher : Amrita Journal of Medicine

When the Left is left

Authors : Asha J.Mathew, Biju Urumese Palatty, Tintu.T.S., Seema Valsalan.E.

Publisher : International Journal of Anatomy and Research

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