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Seven additional families with spondylocarpotarsal synostosis syndrome with novel biallelic deleterious variants in FLNB.

Authors : Salian, S, Shukla, A, Shah, H, Bhat, S N, Bhat, V R, Nampoothiri, S, Shenoy, R, Phadke, S R, Hariharan, S V, Girisha, K M

Publisher : Clin Genet

Renal dysfunction in primary hyperparathyroidism; effect of Parathyroidectomy: A retrospective Cohort Study.

Authors : Nair, C G, Babu, M, Jacob, Pradeep, Riju R. Menon, Mathew, J

Publisher : International Journal of Surgery.

Kleinefeltres syndrome, chracot’s male breast cancer

Authors : Padma S, P Shanmuga Sundaram

Publisher : Iranian journal of NM

Chromoblastomycosis in a renal allograft recipient

Authors : Sooraj, Y.S.a, Nainan, G.K.b, Eapen, M.c, Immanuel, A.J.b, Pillai, R.R.b

Publisher : Indian Journal of Nephrology

Forensic Implications of Viscera Analysis in Death due to Cerbera odollam Poisoning

Authors : Ramakrishnan, UK, Pillay, VV, Arathy, SL

Publisher : Journal of the Indian Society of Toxicology

EBUS-TBNA-initial experience from a tertiary care center in southern India

Authors : Nair, A., Haridas, N., Ahmed, S., Borkar, P.V.

Publisher : Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research

Mutation update for the GPC3 gene involved in Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome and review of the literature.

Authors : Vuillaume, Marie-Laure, Moizard, Marie-Pierre, Rossignol, Sylvie, Cottereau, Edouard, Vonwill, Sandrine, Alessandri, Jean-Luc, Busa, Tiffany, Colin, Estelle, Gérard, Marion, Giuliano, Fabienne, Lambert, Laetitia, Lefevre, Mathilde, Kotecha, Udhaya, Nampoothiri, Sheela, Netchine, Irène, Raynaud, Martine, Brioude, Frédéric, Toutain, Annick

Publisher : Hum Mutat

Myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery-incidence and predictors from a prospective observational cohort study at an Indian tertiary care centre.

Authors : George, Rubin, Menon, Vidya P, Edathadathil, Fabia, Balachandran, Sabarish, Moni, Merlin, Sathyapalan, Dipu, Prasanna, Preetha, S, Gokuldas, Paul, Jerry, K K, Chandrababu, Kumar, Lakshmi, Pillai, Ashok

Publisher : Medicine (Baltimore)

Impact of Vitamin D deficiency on severity of asthma – A study from teaching institution in South India

Authors : Harikrishnan R, Saraswathy L

Publisher : Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology

Early Neurodevelopmental Outcomes After Corrective Cardiac Surgery In Infants.

Authors : Solomon, Ritchie Sharon, Sasi, Tanuja, Sudhakar, Abish, Kumar, Raman Krishna, Vaidyanathan, Balu

Publisher : Indian Pediatr

An anomalous right subclavian artery with a retrotracheal course: A case report

Authors : Dr. Minnie Pillay

Publisher : Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research

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