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FAM111A mutations result in hypoparathyroidism and impaired skeletal development

Authors : Unger, S.a b, Górna, M.W.c, Le Béchec, A.d, Do Vale-Pereira, S.a, Bedeschi, M.F.e, Geiberger, S.f, Grigelioniene, G.f, Horemuzova, E.f, Lalatta, F.e, Lausch, E.g, Magnani, C.h, Nampoothiri, S.i, Nishimura, G.j, Petrella, D.k, Rojas-Ringeling, F.l, Utsunomiya, A.m, Zabel, B.g, Pradervand, S.n, Harshman, K.n, Campos-Xavier, B.a, Bonafé, L.a, Superti-Furga, G.c, Stevenson, B.d, Superti-Furga, A.a

Publisher : American Journal of Human Genetics

Point prevalence surveys of antimicrobial use among eight neonatal intensive care units in India: 2016.

Authors : Gandra, Sumanth, Alvarez-Uria, Gerardo, Murki, Srinivas, Singh, Sanjeev K, Kanithi, Ravishankar, Jinka, Dasaratha R, Chikkappa, Ashok K, Subramanian, Sreeram, Sharma, Anita, Dharmapalan, Dhanya, Kandraju, Hemasree, Vasudevan, Anil Kumar, Tunga, Onkaraiah, Akula, Akhila, Hsia, Yingfen, Sharland, Mike, Laxminarayan, Ramanan

Publisher : Int J Infect Dis

Factors Associated with Better Survival after Surgery in Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients

Authors : Khadakban, D., Gorasia-Khadakban, T., Vijaykumar, D.K., Pavithran, K., Anupama, R.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology

A Study on Tobacco Use Among School Children.

Authors : Kurupath, Arun, Sureka, Pankaj

Publisher : Community Ment Health J

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA

Authors : Pisharath Gopinathan, Subin Ahmed, Asmita Mehta, Rajesh Venkitakrishnan

Publisher : Clinical consequences as observed in southeast Asia’paper submitted for CHEST world congress

Outcomes of Implementation of Enhanced Goal Directed Therapy in High-Risk Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgery

Authors : Kumar, L., Kanneganti, Y.S., Rajan, S.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Anaesthesia

Asian journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research: A case report on role of N-acetylcysteine in non-acetaminophen-related acute liver injury

Authors : Thampi, A., Joy, J., Kumar, G., Sreekrishnan, T.P., Ajith, V.

Publisher : Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Innovare Academics Sciences Pvt. Ltd.

Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy site infections-Incidence and risk factors.

Authors : Vizhi, Kayal, Rao, Harshavardhan B, Venu, Rama P

Publisher : Indian J Gastroenterol

Effective management of type 2 DM in India: Looking at low-cost adjunctive therapy

Authors : Aswathy, Sreedevi, Unnikrishnan, Ambika G, Kalra, Sanjay

Publisher : Indian journal of endocrinology and metabolism

Perceived risk and abilities for health practices related to prevention of type II diabetes mellitus among postnatal mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus

Authors : Bhasy, B., Varghese, L., Krishnan, A., Viswanath, L.

Publisher : Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

Myocardial perfusion SPECT in a case of retropulmonary looping of left coronary artery in a baby after arterial switch surgery

Authors : Padma, S., Sundaram, P.S.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine

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