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Carcinoma esophagus. Practical Gastroenterology

Authors : Pavithran K

Publisher : (2016).

A case series of young patients with completely reversed severe pulmonary hypertension

Authors : Balegadde, A.V., Vijan, V., Rajesh Thachathodiyl

Publisher : Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research

Candida Haemulonii Species Complex: an Emerging Species in India and its Genetic Diversity by Multilocus Sequence Typing and Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism

Authors : Anil kumar, Anupam Prakash, Ashutosh Singh, Harish Kumar, Ferry Hagen, Jacques Meis, Anuradha Chowdhary

Publisher : Emerging microbes and infections.

Melioidosis presenting with mediastinal lymphadenopathy masquerading as malignancy: A case report

Authors : Saravu, K.a, Mukhopadhyay, C.b, Eshwara, V.K.b, Shastry, B.A.a, Ramamoorthy, K.a, Krishna, S.c, Sathyanarayanan, V.a

Publisher : Journal of Medical Case Reports

Reconstruction of foot extensor tendons with gracilis tendon graft

Authors : Patil, R.K., Jayaprasad, K., Sharma, S., Sharma, M.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery

Recurrent shunt associated ventriculitis caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: Case with fatal outcome despite linezolid therapy

Authors : Khan, S.a c, Sistla, S.a, Roopesh Kumar, V.b, Acharya, N.a, Parija, S.a

Publisher : Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health

Management of radiation wounds

Authors : Balasubramanian, D.a b, Iyer, S.b

Publisher : Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery

Broad Ligament Pregnancy – Success Story of a Laparoscopically Managed Case

Authors : Nayar, J, Nair, S.S

Publisher : Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.

Prone ventilation in the management of infants with acute respiratory distress syndrome after complex cardiac surgery

Authors : Balachandran, R.a, Nair, S.G.a, Sivadasan, P.C.a, Sunil, G.S.b, Vaidyanathan, B.c, Sreedharan, J.K.d, Mathew, C.S.d

Publisher : Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia

Pituitary stalk transection syndrome: Comparison of clinico-radiological features in adults and children with review of literature

Authors : Kulkarni, C., S. Moorthy, Pullara, S., R, Rajeshkannan, Unnikrishnan, A.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging

In the workup of patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleed, does 64-slice MDCT have a role?

Authors : Kulkarni, C., S. Moorthy, Sreekumar, K.P., R, Rajeshkannan, Nazar, P.K., Sandya, C.J., Sivasubramanian, S., Ramchandran, P.V.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging

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