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Anomalous left coronary artery from nonfacing pulmonary sinus: Direct aortic reimplantation

Authors : Sunil, G.S., Kottayil, B.P., Francis, E., Vaidyanathan, B., Kappanayil, M., Balachandran, R., Nair, S.G., Kumar, R.K.

Publisher : Annals of Thoracic Surgery

Comparative Study of Cesarean Myomectomy with Abdominal Myomectomy in Terms of Blood Loss in Single Fibroid

Authors : Kanthi, J.M., Sumathy, S., Sreedhar, S., Rajammal, B., Usha, M.G., Sheejamol, V.S.

Publisher : Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India

Clinical profile of early-onset and late-onset idiopathic chronic pancreatitis in South India

Authors : Rajesh, G., Veena, A.B., Menon, S., Balakrishnan, V.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Gastroenterology

Randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of a multicomponent intervention on migraine: A study protocol.

Authors : Renjith, Vishnu, Pai, Aparna, Radhakrishnan, Kurupath, Nayak, Baby S, Devi, Elsa Sanatombi, Ladd, Elissa, George, Anice

Publisher : J Adv Nurs

Role of 2′-mercaptopropionylglycine (MPG) against toxicity of cyclophosphamide in normal and tumour-bearing mice

Authors : Vasudevan, D.M., Bhanumathy, P., Kumar, S

Publisher : Indian Journal of Experimental Biology

Randomized trial on extended versus modified right lobe grafts in living donor liver transplantation.

Authors : Varghese, Christi Titus, Bharathan, Viju Kumar, Gopalakrishnan, Unnikrishnan, Dinesh Balakrishnan, Menon, Ramachandran N, Sudheer, Othiyil Vayoth, Dhar, Puneet, Sudhindran, Surendran

Publisher : Liver Transpl

A retrospective evaluation of the perioperative drug use and comparison of its cost in robotic vs open surgery for endometrial cancer

Authors : Agarwal, R., Rajanbabu, A., Unnikrishnan, U.G.

Publisher : Journal of Robotic Surgery

Pulseless Disease in Pregnancy: A Rare Case.

Authors : Narayanamoorthy, Sujatha, Ramanan, Radhamany

Publisher : J Obstet Gynaecol India.

Laboratory detection of MRSA

Authors : Anil Kumar V.

Publisher : New Microbiologica

Pulmonary Hemorrhage Due to Unrecognized Bronchial Collateral After Arterial Switch Operation

Authors : Leeladharan, Sreelakshmi P, Jayashankar, Jessin P, Kottayil, Brijesh P, Kappanayil, Mahesh, Raman, Krishnakumar, Balachandran, Rakhi

Publisher : The Annals of Thoracic Surgery

Pulmonary hypertension registry of Kerala, India (PRO-KERALA) – Clinical characteristics and practice patterns.

Authors : Harikrishnan, S, Sanjay, G, Ashishkumar, M, Menon, Jaideep, Rajesh, Gopalan Nair, Kumar, Raman Krishna, George Koshy, A, Attacheril, Thankachan V, George, Raju, Punnoose, Eapen, Ashraf, S M, Arun, S R, Cholakkal, Mohammed, Jeemon, Panniyammakal

Publisher : Int J Cardiol

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