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Determinants of level Ib involvement in oral squamous cell carcinoma and implications for submandibular gland-sparing neck dissection.

Authors : Subramaniam, N, Balasubramanian, D, Reddy, R, Rathod, P, Murthy, S, Vidhyadharan, S, Thankappan, K, Iyer, S

Publisher : Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg

Clinical Spectrum of Lung Cancer and its Association with Smoking Habit

Authors : Veni Krishna S

Publisher : Amrita Journal of Medicine.

A prospective study on the effects of Ayurvedic massage in post-stroke patients.

Authors : Sankaran, Ravi, Kamath, Ravindranath, Nambiar, Vivek, Kumar, Anand

Publisher : J Ayurveda Integr Med

Decontamination Methods in Poisoning Revisited

Authors : Pillay V. V., Anu Sasidharan, Ramakrishnan UK

Publisher : J Indian Soc Toxicol .

Goltz-Gorlin Syndrome: Revisiting the Clinical Spectrum.

Authors : Dhanya Yesodharan, Büschenfelde, Uta Meyer Zum, Kutsche, Kerstin, Mohandas Nair, K, Nampoothiri, Sheela

Publisher : Indian J Pediatr

Correlation Between Central Venous and PeripheralVenous Pressures in Surgical Patients

Authors : Rajan S, Nadarajan V, Kumar L

Publisher : Ain-Shams Journal of Anesthesiology .

Ibrutinib in the management of non-hodgkin’s lymphoma: A case report

Authors : Sree Durga, T.S., Pavithran, K., Uma Devi, P.

Publisher : Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

Correlation of Insulin Resistance with Liver Histology in Obese Patients with NASH and in Lean NASH

Authors : Dr. Mathew Vadukoot L, Dr. Rajesh Gopalakrishnan, Dr. Malini Eapen

Publisher : Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology

Fosfomycin as a promising alternative to treat urinary tract infection due to multidrug resistant uropathogens.

Authors : Udayan, Drisya, Khan, Sadia, Pullanhi, Unnimaya, Kumar, Anil

Publisher : Turk J Urol

Cytodiagnostic copper pennies in chromoblastomycosis.

Authors : Anjaneyan, Gopikrishnan, Jagadeesan, Soumya, Thomas, Jacob

Publisher : Indian Dermatol Online J

Atrio-Hisian block precludes preexcitation-What is the mechanism?

Authors : Prabhu, Mukund Aravind, Shekhar, Saritha, Pai, Praveen, Natarajan, Kumaraswamy Umayammal

Publisher : J Arrhythm

Coronary Stent Infection Successfully Diagnosed with FDG-PET CT

Publisher : Canadian Journal of Cardiology

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