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Utilization of hepatitis B core antibody positive grafts in living donor liver transplantation.

Authors : Udayakumar, Visagh Puthumana, Surendran, Sudhindran, Padma, Uma Devi

Publisher : Indian J Gastroenterol

Utilization of hepatitis B core antibody positive grafts in living donor liver transplantation

Authors : Udayakumar, V.P., S. Surendran, Padma, U.D.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Gastroenterology

A seventy year old man with intractable vomiting, Parkinsonism, memory loss and ptosis

Authors : George, J.a, Gourisankar, P.T.b, Radhakrishnan, S.c, Kumar, A.A.c, Kannan, R.R.d, Bindhu, M.R.e

Publisher : Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology

Thyrocervical artery-jugular fistula following internal jugular venous catheterization

Authors : Zachariah, PP, Unni, VN, Kurian, G, Nair, RR, Mathew, A

Publisher : Indian journal of nephrology

Echocardiographic screening for rheumatic heart disease in high and low risk Australian children

Authors : Roberts, K.a, Maguire, G.d e, Brown, A.d f g, Atkinson, D.h i, Reményi, B.a b c, Wheaton, G.j k, Kelly, A.j, Kumar, R.K.l, Su, J.-Y.a m, Carapetis, J.R.a n

Publisher : Circulation

A tribal community-based discussion on economic repercussions of a twin-pit for pour-flush model toilet construction

Authors : Bhadaran, R.S., Haal, K., Mohan, R., Reshma, R.

Publisher : IEEEXplore

Susceptibility testing of staphylococcus aureus

Authors : Dr. Anil Kumar V.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Medical Research

Precision Medicine 2.0: The Next Wave of Science.

Authors : Dandara, Collet, Özdemir, Vural

Publisher : OMICS

Trans-sylvian Approach to Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal Neuralgia in Syndromic Cranial Base Settling.

Authors : Sarkar, Mrityunjoy, Pillai, Ashok

Publisher : Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown)

Treatment outcomes in pediatric differentiated thyroid carcinoma.

Authors : Bhavani, Nisha, Bhadran, Kingini, Nair, Vasantha, Menon, Usha V, Pavithran, Praveen V, Menon, Arun S, Abraham, Nithya, Pankaj, Aswin, Kumar, Harish

Publisher : Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism

Isolated rheumatic severe tricuspid regurgitation

Authors : Vupputuri, A., Vijan, V., Prabhu, M.A., Rajesh Thachathodiyl, Chandrasekharan Nair, R.

Publisher : Echocardiography

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