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Infected pseudoaneurysm of the left anterior descending artery

Authors : Dr. Praveen Varma, Ashish Madkaiker, Neethu Krishna, Natarajan Kumaraswamy

Publisher : BMJ Case Reports

Recent updates on Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus typing

Authors : Dr. Anil Kumar V.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology

Sirenomelia: Case reports and current concepts of pathogenesis

Authors : Pillay, M.a, Yesodharan, D.b, Narayanan, D.L.b, Jojo, A.c, Luiz, N.d, Nampoothiri, S.e

Publisher : Pediatric and Developmental Pathology

Seizure outcome following primary motor cortex-sparing resective surgery for perirolandic focal cortical dysplasia.

Authors : Gopinath, Siby, Roy, Arun Grace, Vinayan, Kollencheri Puthenveetil, Kumar, Anand, Sarma, Manjit, Rajeshkannan, Ramiah, Pillai, Ashok

School Refusal

Authors : Gitanjali Natarajan

Publisher : Childhood Disorders, Department of Psychology-CDMRP,

Bilateral adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast: Report of a rare case with a rare presentation

Authors : Palaniappan, M., Athira, U., Smitha, Pavithran, K., Jojo, A.

Publisher : Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research

Role of anti-GAD, anti-IA2 antibodies and C-peptide in differentiating latent autoimmune diabetes in adults from type 2 diabetes mellitus

Authors : N Sujesh Kumar, Subhakumari K. N.

Publisher : International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries .

Role of Axillary Ultrasound, Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in clinically N0 Breast Cancer.

Authors : Goel, Gaurav, Janaki, P D, Smitha, N V, Anupama, Rajanbabu, Sundaram, P Shanmugha, Nataraj, Y S, Vijaykumar, D K

Publisher : Indian J Surg Oncol.

Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer in Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis

Authors : Rajesh G, Girish BN, Suprabha Balakrishnan V.

Publisher : Tropical Gastroenterology .

Diabetes self-efficacy strongly influences actual control of diabetes in patients attending a tertiary hospital in India

Authors : Venkataraman, K.a, Kannan, A.T.b, Kalra, O.P.c, Gambhir, J.K.d, Sharma, A.K.b, Sundaram, K.R.e, Mohan, V.f

Publisher : Journal of Community Health

The Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897: Public Health Relevance in the Current Scenario

Authors : Rakesh ps

Publisher : Indian J Med Ethics .

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