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Investigating clinical handover and healthcare communication for outpatients with chronic disease in India: A mixed-methods study.

Authors : Humphries, Claire, Jaganathan, Suganthi, Panniyammakal, Jeemon, Singh, Sanjeev, Goenka, Shifalika, Dorairaj, Prabhakaran, Gill, Paramjit, Greenfield, Sheila, Lilford, Richard, Manaseki-Holland, Semira

Publisher : PLoS One

Spectrum of pancreatitis in children and adolescents

Authors : Geetha M., Saumya, M., Balakrishnan, V.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Gastroenterology

Oncogenic osteomalacia from nasal cavity giant cell tumor

Authors : Battoo, A.J.a, Salih, S.b, Unnikrishnan, A.G.c, Jojo, A.d, Bahadur, S.e, Iyer, S.f, Kuriakose, M.A.g

Publisher : Head and Neck

Novel truncating mutation in TENM3 in siblings with motor developmental delay, ocular coloboma, oval cornea, without microphthalmia.

Authors : Stephen, Joshi, Nampoothiri, Sheela, Kuppa, Srikar, Dhanya Yesodharan, Radhakrishnan, Natasha, Gahl, William A, Malicdan, May Christine V

Publisher : Am J Med Genet A

Case report of warfarin induced upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Authors : Mankulangara, K.V., Sreekumar, A., Vijayakumar, P.

Publisher : Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, Open Science Publishers LLP Inc.,

Depression Among Elderly :A Comparative Study Among the Elderly Living In Old Age Homes In Ernakulam ,Kerala State,India

Authors : Sobha George, Paul T Francis, Nimitha Paul, K Leelamoni

Publisher : Internatinal Journal of Emerging Technology Research

Awareness Regarding Management and Preventive measures of Dog bite among parents in selected wards of Nayarambalam Panchayat, Ernakulam, Kerala

Authors : Chitra P., Bindhiya B. Nair

Publisher : Indian Journal of Public Health Research Development,

Congenital heart disease profile: Four perspectives.

Authors : Kumar. R.K

Publisher : Source: Ann Pediatr Cardiol,

Causes of Total Knee Revision in Emerging Economies: Is It Different from the Western World?

Authors : Khan, Prince Shanavas, Thilak, Jai

Publisher : J Knee Surg

A case of post-leptospirosis autoimmune epilepsy presenting with sleep-related hypermotor seizures.

Authors : Makhija, Prashant, Gopinath, Siby, Kannoth, Sudheeran, Radhakrishnan, Kurupath

Severe neurologic manifestations from cervical spine instability in spondylo-megaepiphyseal-metaphyseal dysplasia

Authors : Simon, M.a, Campos-Xavier, A.B.b, Mittaz-Crettol, L.b, Valadares, E.R.c, Carvalho, D.d, Speck-Martins, C.E.d, Nampoothiri, S.e, Alanay, Y.f, Mihci, E.g, van Bever, Y.h, Garcia-Segarra, N.b, Cavalcanti, D.h, Mortier, G.i, Bonafé, L.b, Superti-Furga, A.b

Publisher : American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics

Serological evidence of leptospirosis and dengue coinfection in an endemic region in South India

Authors : Kumar, A.a, Balachandran, V.a, Dominic, A.a, Dinesh, K.a, Karim, S.a, Rao, G.b

Publisher : Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health

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