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A Study of Clinical Pharmacist Initiated Intervention for the Optimal use of Medications in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of a Tertiary Care Hospital, South India

Authors : Khan, S.N, Joseph, S, Sasidharan, P

Publisher : International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Single photon emission computed tomography in detection of anterior cruciate ligament tear

Authors : Tewari, A., Padma, S., Sundaram, P.S.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine

Erratum: Biomarkers of alcoholism: An updated review (Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation (2008) 68:2 (81-92) DOI: 10.1080/00365510701532662)

Authors : Das, S.K, Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan, Dhanya, L

Publisher : Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation

Spontaneous Repositioning of a Malpositioned Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter

Authors : Rajan, S., Paul, J., Kumar, L.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Anaesthesia

Chromobacterium violaceum-A rare cause of infected pancreatic pseudocyst

Authors : Kumar, A.a, Surendran, S.b, Dinesh, K.R.a, Vinod, V.a, Karim, S.a

Publisher : Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice

Sensitive Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for the Determination of Olanzapine in Human Urine

Authors : Urdigere, A.K.R.a, Besagarahally, B.L.b, Basavaiah, K.a

Publisher : Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering

Integrating medical education with societal needs.

Authors : Kumar, R.K.

Publisher : Indian journal of medical ethics

Isolated rheumatic severe tricuspid regurgitation.

Authors : Vupputuri, Anjith, Vijan, Vikrant, Prabhu, Mukund A, Thachathodiyl, Rajesh, Chandrasekharan Nair, Rajiv

Publisher : Echocardiography, Blackwell Publishing Inc.

Infected pseudoaneurysm of the left anterior descending artery

Authors : Dr. Praveen Varma, Ashish Madkaiker, Neethu Krishna, Natarajan Kumaraswamy

Publisher : BMJ Case Reports

Recent updates on Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus typing

Authors : Dr. Anil Kumar V.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology

Sirenomelia: Case reports and current concepts of pathogenesis

Authors : Pillay, M.a, Yesodharan, D.b, Narayanan, D.L.b, Jojo, A.c, Luiz, N.d, Nampoothiri, S.e

Publisher : Pediatric and Developmental Pathology

Seizure outcome following primary motor cortex-sparing resective surgery for perirolandic focal cortical dysplasia.

Authors : Gopinath, Siby, Roy, Arun Grace, Vinayan, Kollencheri Puthenveetil, Kumar, Anand, Sarma, Manjit, Rajeshkannan, Ramiah, Pillai, Ashok

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