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Impact of modified quality control checklist on protocol adherence and outcomes in a post-surgical intensive care unit

Authors : Kumar, L.a, Dominic, M.b, Rajan, S.a, Dr. Sanjeev K. Singh

Publisher : Indian Journal of Anaesthesia

Adult presentation of congenital ectopic vas deferens insertion into ureter with unilateral renal agenesis

Authors : Sukumar, S., Khanna, V., Nair, Balagopal

Publisher : Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy

Clinical outcome of major organic acidemias – A three years follow-up study

Authors : Narayanan, M.P, Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan, Vaidyanathan, K.

Publisher : Journal of Pediatric Biochemistry

Hyperoxia Reduces Oxygen Consumption in Children with Pulmonary Hypertension

Authors : Guo, Long, Bobhate, Prashant, Kumar, Shine, Vadlamudi, Karunakar, Kaddoura, Tarek, Elgendi, Mohamed, Holinski, Paula, Coe, James Y, Rutledge, Jennifer, Adatia, Ian

Publisher : Pediatric Cardiology

Improving outcomes and reducing costs by modular training in infection control in a resource-limited setting

Authors : Singh, S.a, Kumar, R.K.a, Sundaram, K.R.a, Kanjilal, B.b, Nair, P.a

Publisher : International Journal for Quality in Health Care

Message from the chancellor

Authors : Devi, A.

Publisher : ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Janus kinase inhibitors: Jackpot or potluck?

Authors : Pavithran, K., Pande, S.B.

Publisher : Oncology Reviews

Lymphoscintigraphy in unilateral lower limb and scrotal lymphedema caused by filariasis

Authors : Subramanyam, P., Palaniswamy, S.S.

Publisher : American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Hepatitis B Vaccination for Healthcare Workers

Authors : S. Khan, Kumar, A.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, Medknow Publications

Thymic Artery: Uncommon Origin from Proximal Aortic Arch or Distal Ascending Aorta

Authors : Benedict Raj, Minnie Pillay

Publisher : Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology.

Utility of Gallium-68 DOTANOC PET/CT in the localization of Tumour-induced osteomalacia.

Authors : Bhavani, Nisha, Reena Asirvatham, Adlyne, Kallur, Kumar, Menon, Arun S, Pavithran, Praveen V, Nair, Vasantha, Vasukutty, Jayakumar R, Usha Menon, Kumar, Harish

Publisher : Clin Endocrinol (Oxf)

Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (2016)

Authors : Pillay VV

Publisher : 17th edition of the Textbook .

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