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A safer way of suturing in Foker’s technique

Authors : Abraham, M.K., Sudarsanan, B., Viswanath, N., Puzhankara, R., Palliwal, A.B., Naaz, A., Nandakumar, N.K., Prabhakaran, A., Prakash, D.

Publisher : Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Tracheoesophageal puncture site closure with single perforator-based deltopectoral flap

Authors : Balasubramanian, D., Dr. Subramania Iyer K., Thankappan, K.

Publisher : Head and Neck

Plexiform Neurofibroma of Clitoris.

Authors : Dhanya Yesodharan, Sudarsanan, Bindu, Jojo, Annie, Abraham, Mohan, Bhavani, Nisha, Mathews, Hima, Nampoothiri, Sheela

Publisher : J Pediatr Genet

The role of Gefitinib in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer in India

Authors : Mehta, A.A.a, Jose, W.M.b, Pavithran, K.b, Triavadi, G.S.c

Publisher : Indian Journal of Palliative Care

Fungal granuloma following endoscopic third ventriculostomy for infantile hydrocephalus

Authors : Kariyattil, R.a, Panikar, D.b

Publisher : Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal

Brevibacterium casei as a cause of brain abscess in an immunocompetent patient

Authors : Kumar, V.A.a, Augustine, D.b, Panikar, D.c, Nandakumar, A.a, Dinesh, K.R.a, Karim, S.a, Philip, R.b

Publisher : Journal of Clinical Microbiology

Effectiveness of a multidimensional approach to reduce ventilator- associated pneumonia in pediatric intensive care units of 5 developing countries: International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium findings

Authors : Rosenthal, V.D.a, Álvarez-Moreno, C.b, Villamil-Gómez, W.c, Singh, S.d, Ramachandran, B.e, Navoa-Ng, J.A.f, Dueñas, L.g, Yalcin, A.N.h, Menco, A.c, Arrieta, P.c, Bran-De Casares, A.C.g, De Jesus MacHuca, L.g, Radhakrishnan, K.d, Villanueva, V.D.f, Tolentino, M.C.V.f, Turhan, O.h, Keskin, S.h, Gumus, E.h, Dursun, O.h, Kaya, A.i, Kuyucu, N.i

Publisher : American Journal of Infection Control

Lipoprotein lipase deficiency in an infant

Authors : Nampoothiri, S.a, Radhakrishnan, N.b, Schwentek, A.c, Hoffmann, M.M.a

Publisher : Indian Pediatrics

Macrostomia, thin upper vermilion border, long philtrum, broad halluces, and intellectual disability in two sibs

Authors : Nampoothiri, S.a, Kuthiroly, S.a, Fauth, C.b, Krabichler, B.b, Attie-Bitach, T.c, Hennekam, R.C.d

Publisher : American Journal of Medical Genetics

Ventilation/Perfusion scan aids in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus induced trepopnea due to isolated right phrenic nerve palsy

Authors : Subramanyam, P., Palaniswamy, S.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine

Tropical chronic pancreatitis: A historical perspective

Authors : Balakrishnan, V.

Publisher : Gut

Stage one Norwood procedure in an emerging economy:Initial experience in a single center

Authors : Balachandran, R.a d, Nair, S.G.a, Gopalraj, S.S.b, Vaidyanathan, B.c, Kottayil, B.P.b, Kumar, R.K.c

Publisher : Annals of Pediatric Cardiology

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