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Analysis of the WISP3 gene in Indian families with progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia

Authors : Dalal, A.a, Bhavani, S.L.a, Togarrati, P.P.a, Bierhals, T.b, Nandineni, M.R.c, Danda, S.d, Danda, D.e, Shah, H.f, Vijayan, S.f, Gowrishankar, K.g, Phadke, S.R.h, Bidchol, A.M.i, Rao, A.P.j, Nampoothiri, S.k, Kutsche, K.b, Girisha, K.M.i

Publisher : American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A

Improving diabetes care: Multi-component cardiovascular disease risk reduction strategies for people with diabetes in South Asia-The CARRS Multi-center Translation Trial

Authors : Shah, S.a, Singh, K.b, Ali, M.K.a, Mohan, V.c, Kadir, M.M.d, Unnikrishnan, A.G.e, Sahay, R.K.f, Varthakavi, P.g, Dharmalingam, M.h, Viswanathan, V.i, Masood, Q.d, Bantwal, G.j, Khadgawat, R.k, Desai, A.l, Sethi, B.K.m, Shivashankar, R.b, Ajay, V.S.b, Reddy, K.S.n, Narayan, K.M.V.a, Prabhakaran, D.b, Tandon, N.o

Publisher : Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice

A mask based segmentation algorithm for automatic measurement of Cobb angle from scoliosis x-ray image

Authors : Samuvel, B.a, Thomas, V.a, Mini, M.G.a, Renjith Kumar, J.b

Publisher : Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications, ICACC 2012

Predictors of mortality of severe sepsis among adult patients in the medical Intensive Care Unit

Authors : Mohamed, Aziz Kallikunnel Sayed, Mehta, Asmita Anilkumar, James, Ponneduthamkuzhy

Publisher : Lung India

Aplastic anemia and membranous nephropathy induced by intravenous mercury

Authors : Priya, N.a, Nagaprabhu, V.N.a, Kurian, G.b, Seethalakshmi, N.c, Rao, G.G.a, Unni, V.N.b

Publisher : Indian Journal of Nephrology

Microbiological diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in children: Comparative study of induced sputum and gastric lavage

Authors : Qureshi, U.A.a, Gupta, A.K.b, Mahajan, B.c, Qurieshi, M.A.d, Altaf, U.e, Parihar, R.b, Bhau, K.S.f

Publisher : Indian Journal of Pediatrics

Novel KIF7 mutations extend the phenotypic spectrum of acrocallosal syndrome

Authors : Putoux, A.a b, Nampoothiri, S.c, Laurent, N.d, Cormier-Daire, V.a b e, Beales, P.L.f, Schinze, A.g, Bartholdi, D.g, Alby, C.a b h, Thomas, S.e, Elkhartoufi, N.e, Ichkou, A.e, Litzler, J.e, Munnich, A.a b e, Encha-Razavi, F.a b e, Kannan, R.i, Faivre, L.j k, Boddaert, N.b l, Rauch, A.g, Vekemans, M.a b e, Attié-Bitach, T.a b e

Publisher : Journal of Medical Genetics

Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair in children: A single-centre experience over 7 years

Authors : Abraham, M.K.a, Nasir, A.A.b, Puzhankara, R.a, Abdur-Rahman, L.O.b, Viswanath, N.a, Kedari, P.a, Sudarshan, B.a

Publisher : African Journal of Paediatric Surgery

Pathological profile of lymphomas in a tertiary care centre in Kerala

Authors : Nair, I.R.a, Jojo, A.a, Keechilat, P.b

Publisher : Pathology International

A simple and safe technique for trocar positioning in vesicoscopic ureteric reimplantation

Authors : Abraham, M.K., Viswanath, N., Bindu, S., Kedari, P., Ramakrishnan, P., Naaz, A., Mohan, S.

Publisher : Pediatric Surgery International

Neurogenic vasomotor instability and Chiari malformation

Authors : Udayakumaran, S., Dilip Panikar

Publisher : Child's Nervous System

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