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Contrast ventriculo-cisternography: an auxiliary test for suspected fourth ventricular outlet obstruction

Authors : Roth, J.a, Ben-Sira, L.b, Udayakumaran, S.c, Constantini, S.a

Publisher : Child's Nervous System

Carcinosarcoma of the Uterus-A Single Institution Retrospective Analysis of the Management and Outcome and a Brief Review of Literature

Authors : Anupama, R.a g, Kuriakose, S.b, Vijaykumar, D.K.a, Pavithran, K.c, Jojo, A.d, Indu, R.N.e, Sheejamol, V.S.f

Publisher : Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology

MDP bone scan in the early identification of polyarticular aspergillosis

Authors : Firuz, I.a, Padma, S.a, Sundaram, P.S.a, Kumar, V.A.b

Publisher : International Journal of Infectious Diseases

Prevalence of Domestic Accidents in a Rural Area of Kerala: A Cross Sectional Study

Authors : Sobha George, Nimitha Paul, Paul T. Francis, K. Leelamoni

Publisher : International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health

Multifunctional Calcium Phosphate Nano-contrast agent for Combined Nuclear, Magnetic and Near-Infrared Invivo Imaging

Authors : Anusha Ashokan, Gowd, G.S., Somasundaram, V.H, Bhupathi, A, Peethambaran, R., Unni, A.K.K., Palaniswamy, Shantikumar V Nair, Dr. Manzoor K.

Publisher : Biomaterials

Prevalence of depression in breast cancer patients and its association with their quality of life: A cross-sectional observational study

Authors : Purkayastha, D., Venkateswaran, C., Nayar, K., Unnikrishnan, U.G.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Palliative Care

Prevalence of Dermatological Problems in Indian Geriatric Population

Authors : Krishna S, Thomas J, Varghese V, Anjaneyan G., Jagadeesan S.

Prevalence of Charcot Arthropathy in Type 2 Diabetes Patients Aged over 50 Years with Severe Peripheral Neuropathy: A Retrospective Study in a Tertiary Care South Indian Hospital

Authors : Ms.Salini Dharmadas, Dr. Harish Kumar, Dr.Minnie Pillay, Dr.K.R.Sundaram, Dr.Sandhya C.J, Dr.Mangalanandhan, Dr. Vivek Lakshmanan, Dr.V.P.Praveen, Dr.Arun Bal

Publisher : Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism

Idiopathic intracranial hypertension in pediatric population: Case series from India

Authors : Roy, A., Vinayan, K., Kumar, A.

Publisher : Neurology India

Variations in the origin of superior laryngeal artery

Authors : Deepa Devadas, Dr. Minnie Pillay;, Sukumaran, , Tintu Thottiyil

Publisher : Volume Anatomy & Cell Biology

Supra-Hisian Conduction Block as an Unusual Presenting Feature of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy

Authors : Prabhu, Mukund Aravind, Pai, Praveen Gopalakrishna, Vupputuri, Anjith, Shekhar, Saritha, Harikrishnan, Madhavankutty Santhakumari, Kumaraswamy, Natarajan Umayammal

Publisher : Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology

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