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Phenylalanine hydroxylase gene mutations in phenylketonuria patients from India: Identification of novel mutations that affect PAH RNA

Authors : Bashyam, L.b, Mahesh, E.a, Bashyam, M.D.a, Sen, D.a, Chaudhary, A.K.a, Puri, R.d, Reddy, E.C.a, Verma, I.C.d, Rama Devi, A.R.b, Nampoothiri, S.e, Savithri, G.R.a c, Vaidyanathan, S.e, Ratheesh, R.a, Chandrashekar, M.D.f, Bashyam, L.b, Kantheti, P.f, Mahesh, E.a, Sen, D.a, Puri, R.d, Verma, I.C.d, Nampoothiri, S.e, Vaidyanathan, S.e, Chandrashekar, M.D.f, Kantheti, P.f

Publisher : Molecular Genetics and Metabolism

Pharmacoeconomic study of DMARDs in the management of rheumatoid arthritis

Authors : Shini, V.K.a, Aboobacker, S.a, Pahuja, S.a, Revikumar, K.G.a, Bhasi, R.b

Publisher : International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research

Oral anticoagulants in pediatric cardiac practice: A systematic review of the literature

Authors : Jain, S., Vaidyanathan, B.

Publisher : Annals of Pediatric Cardiology

Expressive Bound Morphemes in Malayalam Speaking Children with Down Syndrome.

Authors : Maria Grace Treasa, Chengappa, Shyamala K.

Publisher : Language in India

New intraspinal cause of physiological FDG uptake

Authors : Padma, S., Shanmuga Sundaram, P., Shagos, G.S., Vijay Harish, S.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine

Nevus comedonicus syndrome – Nevus comedonicus associated with ipsilateral polysyndactyly and bilateral oligodontia

Authors : Kaliyadan, F.a, Nampoothiri, S.b, Sunitha, V.b, Kuruvilla, V.E.c

Publisher : Pediatric Dermatology

Neuroendocrine tumor of vulva: A case report and review of literature

Authors : Sheikh, Z.A.a, Nair, I.b, Vijaykumar, D.K.a, Jojo, A.b, Nandeesh, M.a

Publisher : Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics

Musculocontractural Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (former EDS type VIB) and adducted thumb clubfoot syndrome (ATCS) represent a single clinical entity caused by mutations in the dermatan-4-sulfotransferase 1 encoding CHST14 gene

Authors : Malfait, F.a, Syx, D.a, Vlummens, P.a, Symoens, S.a, Nampoothiri, S.b, Hermanns-Lê, T.c, Van Laer, L.a, De Paepe, A.a

Publisher : Human Mutation

Myocarditis and mobitz type I heart block following wasp sting

Authors : Vishwanath, P, Adhikari, D., Poudel, R, Poudel, K., Pillay V. V., Menezes, R

Publisher : Internet Journal of Cardiology

Multiple myeloma presenting as eosinophilic pleural effusion

Authors : Mehta, A.A.a, Venkatakrishnan, R.a, Jose, W.b, Palaniappan, M.b, Pavithran, K.b

Publisher : Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology

Objective Analysis of Microtia Reconstruction in Indian Patients and Modifications in Management Protocol

Authors : Sharma, Mohit, Raghuveer Reddy Dudipala, Jimmy Mathew, Abhijeet Wakure, Krishnakumar Thankappan, Deepak Balasubramaniam, Subramania Iyer

Publisher : Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery

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