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Cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis: Report of two cases

Authors : Manoj, J.a, Kaliyadan, F.a, Unni, M.b, Dharmaratnam, A.D.a

Publisher : Indian Journal of Dermatology

Pediatric cardiac program in India: Changing perspectives

Authors : Nair, S.G.

Publisher : Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia

Intraoperative transillumination to determine the extent of frontal sinus in subcranial approach to anterior skull base

Authors : Thankappan, K.b, Iyer, S.b, Panicker, D.b, Kuriakose, M.A.c d, Sharan, R.a

Publisher : Skull Base

Role of FDG PET/CT in Baastrup’s disease.

Authors : Subramanyam, Padma, Palaniswamy, Shanmuga Sundaram

Publisher : Indian J Nucl Med

Formulation and in-vitro evaluation of chrysophanol topical gel

Authors : Vasudevan, D.T.a, Gopalakrishnan, S.b, Dinesh, K.R.a, Ravikumar, K.G.a, Sundaram, K.R.a, Unni, A.K.K.a

Publisher : Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics

Role of Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography in Carcinoma Lung Evaluation

Authors : Padma, S., Sundaram, P.S., George, S.

Publisher : Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics

Use of vegetable oils in dermatology: an overview.

Authors : Sarkar, Rashmi, Podder, Indrashis, Gokhale, Narendra, Jagadeesan, Soumya, Garg, Vijay K

Publisher : Int J Dermatol

Sustained remission of rheumatoid arthritis with a specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressant: A case report and review of the literature

Authors : Krishnadas, R.a, Krishnadas, R.b, Cavanagh, J.a

Publisher : Journal of Medical Case Reports

Technetium uptake predicts remission and relapse in Grave’s disease patients on antithyroid drugs for at least 1 year in South Indian subjects.

Authors : Singhal, Neha, Praveen, V P, Bhavani, Nisha, Menon, Arun S, Usha Menon, Abraham, Nithya, Kumar, Harish, JayKumar, R V, Nair, Vasantha, Sundaram, Shanmugha, Sundaram, Padma

Publisher : Indian J Endocrinol Metab

Unilateral adrenal mass as the sole initial manifestation of differentiated thyroid cancer.

Authors : Sampathkumar, Geethalakshmi, Menon, Arun S, M R, Bindhu, Nair, Vasantha

Publisher : BMJ Case Rep

Thoracic Endometriosis Syndrome: A Veritable Pandora’s Box.

Authors : Nair, Sobha S, Nayar, Jayashree

Publisher : J Clin Diagn Res

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