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Variable Partitioning to Solve Dual Bank Register Allocation for Network Processor

Authors : TSB, Sudarshan, D C Kiran, S Gurunarayanan

Publisher : High Performance Computing

Tamil Part-of-Speech Tagger based on SVM Tool

Authors : Dhanalakshmi V., Dr. M. Anand Kumar, Vijaya M. S., Loganathan R., Soman K. P., Rajendran S.

Publisher : Proceedings of International Conference on Asian Language Processing 2008 (IALP 2008)

Thermoelectric power in carbon nanotubes and quantum wires of nonlinear optical, optoelectronic, and related materials under strong magnetic field: Simplified theory and relative comparison

Authors : Ghatak, KP, Bhattacharya, S, Shantanu Bhowmik, Benedictus, R, Choudhury, S

Publisher : Journal of Applied Physics, AIP Publishing

A public transport system based sensor network for fake alcohol detection

Authors : Das, R. N., Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh

Publisher : Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering

Selective Roughness in the Boundary Layer to Suppress Flow-Induced Motions of Circular Cylinder at 30,000

Authors : Park, H.a, Bernitsas, M.M.a b, Ajith Kumar, R.b c

Publisher : Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering

Tamil to Hindi machine transliteration using support vector machines

Authors : Keerthana, S.a, Dhanalakshmi, V.b, M Anand Kumar, Ajith, V.P.a, Soman, K.P.a

Publisher : Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering,

An Enhanced Controller for Shunt Active Filter Interfacing Renewable Energy Source and Grid

Authors : K. Ilango, Dr. Manjula G. Nair, Manitha P. V

Publisher : ICSET-12

Support Vector Machine based Fault Diagnosis of Rotational Mechanical Systems

Authors : Dr. Saimurugan M., Ramachandran,K.I, Sugumaran, V

Publisher : International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering

Three-Tier Electricity Market Model for Restructuring Indian Power Sector

Authors : Kanakasabapathy, P., Swarup, K Shanti

Publisher : International Conference on Power System Analysis, Control and Optimisation (PSACO-2008)

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