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CxCxC: Compressed Connected Components Labeling Algorithm

Authors : Nithin Nagaraj, Dwivedi, Shekhar

Publisher : Medical Imaging

Cost based process weights for DPMO and the overall sigma level of an organization

Authors : Dr. Ravichandran J.

Publisher : TQM Magazine

Design and Simulation of a Mini Custom Power Park for Power Quality Improvement

Authors : Manitha P. V, Jishnu Sankar V. C, Manjula, N

Publisher : IEEE International Conference on Standards for Smart Grid Ecosystem

Classification of Gear Box Faults by Method of MSVM

Authors : Saravanan, N., Siddabattuni Kumar, VNS, Ramachandran, K.I.

Publisher : International Conference of Artificial Intelligence

Characterization Of Shock Waves Produced By Nanothermites

Authors : Apperson, Steve, Bezmelnitsyn, Andrey, Dr. T. Rajagopalan, Tappmeyer, Dan, Chen, Zhen, Gangopadhyay, Keshab, Gangopadhyay, Shubhra

Publisher : The 2007 Annual Meeting

Power-efficient cache design using dual-edge clocking scheme in sun openSPARC T1 and alpha AXP processors

Authors : Arunkumar, M., V, Daniel, C. J., Nived, K.,, Ashok, A, Rajesh Kannan Megalingam

Publisher : Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Power Consumption Analysis of Direct, Set Associative and Phased Set Associative Cache Organizations in Alpha AXP 21064 Processor

Authors : Deepu, K. B, Gautham, P., Iype, J. P, Parthasarathy, R, Rajesh Kannan Megalingam

Publisher : Information Processing and Management, Springer,

Thermal Analysis of Nanofluids Using Modeling and Molecular Dynamics Simulation

Authors : P. K. Krishnan Namboori,, V. K Gopal, Vasavi, C. S, Sabarish Narayanan B, Ramachandran,, K. I., Gopakumar, D.

Publisher : AIP Publishing

Eddy current loss modelling in transformer iron losses operated by PWM inverter

Authors : Ilango Karuppasamy, Sinnou, Noel.R, Mayuri., R

Publisher : 2010 Joint International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems 2010 Power India

Azole, amine, benzoate and nitrate compound mixture as VPI for metals in NaCl and SO2 environments

Authors : N Poongothai, Natesan, M, Palanisamy, N, Murugavel, SC, T. Ramachandran

Publisher : Indian Journal of Chemical Technology

Azole, amine and nitrite as vapour phase corrosion inhibitors of metals in NaCl & SO2 environment

Authors : N Poongothai, M. Natesan, N. Palanisamy, S. C. Murugavel, T. Ramachandran

Publisher : Indian Journal of Chemical Technology

On attributes of a Rotating Neutron star with a Hyperon core

Authors : Jha, T, Moshra, Hiranmaya, V. Sreekanth

Publisher : Physical Review C

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