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Surface Modification of Titanium by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma for Adhesive Bonding and its Application to Aviation & Space

Authors : Akram, M, S.b c Bhowmik, Benedictus, R, Poulis, JA

Publisher : SEICO 10

Trust Management Schemes for Intrusion Detection Systems -A Survey

Authors : Dr. Supriya M., D. S.

Publisher : International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking

A Non-linear Dynamical Systems Approach to Source Compression for Constrained Sources

Authors : Nithin Nagaraj, Vaidya, Prabhakar G, Sundaresan, Rajesh

Publisher : arXiv preprint arXiv:0709.1545

An Online Platform for Diagnosis of Children with Reading Disability

Authors : P. Sowmyasri, R. Ravalika, C. Jyotsna, J. Amudha

Publisher : 3rd International Conference on Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing, (ICCVBIC 2019) (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing), Springer,

Experimental investigation on tribological properties of PTFE based composite

Authors : Kumar,P. Santhosh, Vinayak,Madhu Surya, Vaishak,V. N, Y. P. Deepthi, Dikshit, Mithilesh Kumar, Pathak,Vimal Kumar, Srivastava,Ashish Kumar,

Publisher : ICAMEN 2019, AIP Conference Proceedings

Non – destructive Detection of Electrons in a Penning Trap

Authors : Satyajith K. T., Sharath Ananthamurthy

Publisher : XVI National Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics (16th NCAMP)

A scalable feature selection algorithm for large datasets-quick branch & bound iterative (QBB-I)

Authors : Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Remya, M.S.b

Publisher : Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH,

A Neuro-Fuzzy Decision Tree Model for Predicting the Risk in Coronary Artery Disease

Authors : Kochurani O. G, Aji S., M.R. Kaimal

Publisher : Intelligent Control, 2007. ISIC 2007. IEEE 22nd International Symposium on

Neural Network Model for the Analysis of Infilled Framed Structures

Authors : Dr. Mini K. M., K. Subramanian

Publisher : Archives of Civil Engineering

Deterministic seed selection and pattern reduction in logic BIST

Authors : Dr. Ramesh Bhakthavatchalu, Dr. Nirmala Devi M.

Publisher : Research India Publications

Effective Teaching of Mechanism Synthesis using MechAnalyzer Software

Authors : Rajeevlochana G. Chittawadigi,, D. Pandey, Kushwah, J. S, K. Krishna, R.,, Saha, S. K.,

Publisher : IFToMM World Congress on Mechanism and Machine Science, Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science

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