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Development of Fly Ash based Friction Material for Wind Turbines by Liquid Phase Sintering Technology

Authors : R. K. Kannan, , Govindaraju, M., Vaira Vignesh R.

Publisher : Journal of Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology (Published Online)

A statistical approach for modeling inter-document semantic relationships in digital libraries

Authors : Muralikumar, J., Seelan, S.A., Vijayakumar, N., Dr. Vidhya Balasubramanian

Publisher : Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Springer New York LLC

Support vector machine based decoding algorithm for BCH codes

Authors : Sudharsan, V., Dr. Yamuna B.

Publisher : Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, National Institute of Telecommunications.

Diverse Spectroscopic Studies and First-Principles Investigations of the Zinc Vacancy Mediated Ferromagnetism in Mn-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles

Authors : Ponnusamy, R., Selvaraj, S.C., Ramachandran, M.c, Murugan, P., Nambissan, P.M.G., Sivasubramanian, D.

Publisher : Crystal Growth and Design, American Chemical Society

Development and characterization of dissimilar joint between AA2024-T3 and AA6061-T6 by modified friction stir clinching process

Authors : M. Paidar, , Vaira Vignesh R., Moharrami, A., Ojo, O. O., Jafari, A., Sadreddini, S.

Publisher : Vacuum

Reducing the porosity defect in castings of cold box core process

Authors : N. Udayan, , Srinivasan, M. V., , Govindaraju, M., Vaira Vignesh R.

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings (Accepted). Elsevier, 2019

Effect of Silver Nanoparticle in the PEDOT: PSS Counter Electrode of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell

Authors : Anil,Aiswarya, Sreedha Sambhudevan, Sreekala,C. O., Shankar,Balakrishnan

Publisher : AIP Conference Proceedings

Inter-Rater Reliability of a Dyslexia Screening Test

Authors : M. Haridas, Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Dr. Nirmala Vasudevan,, Sasikumar, L.,, Gutjahr, G, Raghu Raman

Publisher : 2019 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E) .

Stability analysis of magneto-rheological damper for suspension of commercial vehicles

Authors : R. K. Patnaik, N. Tamilarasan

Publisher : International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication,

High Performance Nano Adhesive Bonding of High Temperature Resistant Polymer to Titanium for Aviation and Space Applications (Invited Author)

Authors : Bui, VT, Bonin, HW, Weir, RD, Shantanu Bhowmik

Publisher : SWISSBONDING 06: 20th International Congress of Adhesion and Bonding Technology

Design and analysis of a magneto-rheological damper for an all terrain vehicle

Authors : K. R. Unni, N. Tamilarasan

Publisher : IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of Physics Publishing .

Experimental analysis of malayalam pos tagger using epic framework in scala

Authors : Sachin Kumar, S., Dr. M. Anand Kumar, Dr. Soman K. P.

Publisher : ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

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