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Reducing IFOV Errors in Microgrid Imaging Polarimeters

Authors : Dr. Rakesh Kumar, J. S., Tyo, Bradley M., Ratliff, James K., Boger

Publisher : Frontiers in Optics, Optical Society of America, Rochester, New York United States

Reinforcement Learning in the Entropy Based Recognition of Handwritten Hindi Numerals

Authors : Hanmandlu, M, Dr. Oruganti Venkata Ramana Murthy

Publisher : in Proc. 10th World Multi-conference on Systems, Cybernetics and Informatics

Virtual Instrument for Testing of Current and Voltage Transformers

Authors : Dr. Madhu Mohan N., George, B., Kumar, V.J.

Publisher : Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2006. IMTC 2006. Proceedings of the IEEE

Virtual Instrument for the Measurement of Haemo-dynamic Parameters Using Photoplethysmograph

Authors : Ashoka Reddy, K., Rezuana Bai, J., George, B., Dr. Madhu Mohan N., Jagadeesh Kumar, V.

Publisher : IEEE

Quantum mechanical modeling and simulation of bio-degradable polymers

Authors : Sangeetha, J, Clara, J, Myvizhi, Krishnan, NPK, Gopakumar, Deepa, Ramachandran, KI

Publisher : Proceedings of Elastoplaz-2009

An Efficient and Secure Content Contribution and Retrieval Content in Online Social Networks Using Level by Level Security Optimization & Content Visualization Algorithm

Authors : Kumaran U., Neelu Khare

Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science .

Assessment of compaction behaviour of soils using artificial neural networks

Authors : Dr. Mini K. M., Pandian N S

Publisher : Indian Geotechnical Conference Vol.1

UV–visible spectral study on the stability of lead phthalocyanine complexes

Authors : Dr. T. M. Mohan Kumar, Achar, BN

Publisher : Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Pergamon,

An Intelligent Controller to Regulate the Speed of Hybrid Stepper Motor

Authors : Ilango Karuppasamy, P. Somarajan, G., P

Publisher : International Conference on Advancements in Automation, Robotics and Sensing (ICAARS 2016)

Variable Gain Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Logic Controllers

Authors : Reghunadhan Rajesh, M. Ramachandra Kaimal

Publisher : Informatica, Lith. Acad. Sci.

Stock Clearance’ (Poem)

Authors : Deepa Kumari S.

Publisher : The Dawn Journal

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