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Tensile, thermal properties & chemical resistance of epoxy/hybrid fibre composites (glass/jute) filled with silica powder

Authors : M Ashok Kumar, K Hemachandra Reddy, G Ramachandra Reddy, Y Venkata Mohana Reddy, Reddy, N Subbarami

Publisher : Indian Journal of Macromolecules

An improved random forest algorithm for classification in an imbalanced dataset

Authors : Jose, C., Gopakumar, G.

Publisher : URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, AP-RASC 2019

Speed control of synchronous motor using FPGA

Authors : Sivaraman, K. V. Shriram, V. Subashri

Publisher : Lambert Academic

Comparison between ultra-thin ZrO/sub 2/ and ZrO/sub x/N/sub y/ gate dielectrics in TaN or poly-gated NMOSCAP and NMOSFET devices

Authors : R. Nieh, S. Krishnan, Hag-Ju Cho, Chang Seok Kang, Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, K. Onishi, R. Choi, J. C. Lee

Publisher : 2002 Symposium on VLSI Technology. Digest of Technical Papers

An analysis of attrition in Indian educational institutions

Authors : K. V. Shriram, Narendhar, Gokul

Publisher : Lambert Academic Publishing,

Color Image compression for Limited Displays using self organising feature map

Authors : S. Veni

Publisher : Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai

On the strictness of a bound for the diameter of Cayley graphs generated by transpositions trees

Authors : Ashwin Ganesan

Publisher : Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Modelling Scientific Computation

Arithmetic coding as a non-linear dynamical system

Authors : Nithin Nagaraj, Prabhakar G. Vaidya, Kishor G. Bhat

Publisher : Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

Differential pressure chemical-mechanical polishing in integrated circuit interconnects

Authors : Sahota, Kashmir S, Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Lopatin, Sergey D

Automatic Fuzzy Controllers for Gyros.

Authors : R. Rajesh, Dr. M. R. Kaimal

Publisher : National Systems Society Conference

An Overview of Security in CoAP: Attack and Analysis

Authors : Arvind, S., Narayanan, V.A.

Publisher : 2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2019

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