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Design and Optimization of Band Pass Filter for Software Defined Radio Telescope

Authors : Jolly Rajendran, K. P. Soman, Rakesh Peter

Publisher : International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering

Combustion of Aluminum Nanoparticles and Exfoliated 2D Molybdenum Trioxide Composites

Authors : Naadaa Zakiyyan, Anqi Wang, Dr. T. Rajagopalan, Clay Staley, Joseph Mathai, Keshab Gangopadhyay, Matthew R. Maschmann, Shubhra Gangopadhyay

Publisher : Combustion and Flame

Effect of Pre-Processing on Historical Sanskrit Text Document

Authors : Kavitha Sunil, K P Soman, Sreedhanya A V, Kavitha Balakrishnan

Publisher : International Journa of Engineering Research and Applications

An efficient hybrid spectrum sensing architecture on FPGA

Authors : Ishwerya, P., Geethu Sathees Babu, Lakshminarayanan, G.

Publisher : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

Communication with less hardware

Authors : Ambily Joseph, K. P. Soman, Jaini Sara Babu

Publisher : International Journal Of Computer Technology and Application

Analysis of performance and emission parameters of IC engine fuelled with neem biodiesel and n-octanol additives

Authors : Pramod Kumar, P., Murugesan, S.

Publisher : International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication,

Code configuration tool for real time systems

Authors : Jose, F., Pillai, A.S.

Publisher : 6th International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy, Information and Communication,

Performance Evaluation of Modified SVD based Image fusion

Authors : Asha P Kurian, K P Soman, Megha M Kartha, Lakshmi Mohan, Bijitha S R

Publisher : IJCA

Clustering of trajectory data using hierarchical approaches

Authors : B.A. Sabarish, R. Karthi, Dr. Gireesh K. T.

Publisher : Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics

An empirical evaluation of temporal convolutional network for offensive text classification

Authors : Murali, S., Swapna, T.R.

Publisher : International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering

Introduction to Nano-energetic Materials

Authors : Shantanu Bhattacharya, Avinash Agarwal, Vinay Patel, Dr. T. Rajagopalan, Aviru Basu, Saha, Anubhuti

Publisher : Nano-Energetic Materials

Modified Wavelet image fusion based on OSVD

Authors : Bijitha SR, Dr. Soman K. P., Asha P Kurian, Megha M Kartha, Lakshmi Mohan

Publisher : IJERT

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