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Ticketing Solutions for Indian Railways Using RFID Technology

Authors : V. Prasanth;, Dr. Soman K. P., H. P. R.;

Publisher : 2009 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies

Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steek by Essential Oils in an HCl Environment

Authors : N Poongothai, Ramachanderen, T, Natesan, M, Murugavel, SC

Publisher : Materials Performance

Measurement bias detection in linear dynamic systems

Authors : Rollins, Derrick K, Dr. Sriram Devanathan, Bascuñana, Ma Victoria B

Publisher : Elsevier

Handy Electrical Equipment Control Using GSM Unit and Mobile Phone

Authors : K. V. Shriram

Publisher : International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering

Recent advances in polymer based micro and nanocomposites

Authors : Dr. Saritha A., Kuruvilla Joseph, Dr. Jayanarayanan K.

Publisher : The International Conference on innovative technologies, ICIT -

CBIR – An analysis and suggestions for improvement

Authors : K. V. Shriram, V. Subashri, P L K Priyadarsini

Publisher : International Journal of Computer Applications

An Efficient and Generalized approach for Content Based Image Retrieval in Matlab

Authors : K. V. Shriram, V. Subashri, P L K Priyadarsini

Publisher : International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing

Insight into Primal Augmented Lagrangian Multilplier Method

Authors : B. Premjith, Dr. Soman K. P., T. V. Bijeesh, Akhil Manikkoth, S. Sachin Kumar

Publisher : Numerical Analysis

Mass Production Worthy HfO2-Al2O3 Laminates Capacitor Technology using Hf Liquid Precursor for sub-100 nm DRAMS

Authors : Lee, JH, Kim J., Kim Y. S., Jung H. S., Lee, N. I., Kang, H. K, Suh, K. P, Jeong, M. M, Hyun, K., Baik, H. S, Chung, Y. S, Liu, X., Dr. Sasangan Ramanathan, Seidel, T. E., Winkler, J., Londergan, A, Kim, H. Y., J. M., Lee, N. K

Publisher : Techincal Digest, International Electron Devices Meeting

Identifying Fingertips for Human Computer Interaction

Authors : R.M.Arunachalam, R.Aarthi, M.AshokGowtham

Publisher : IJRRCS

Smart crop protection using deep learning approach

Authors : Vidhya, S., Vishwashankar, T.J., Akshaya, K., Premdas, A., Rohith, R.

Publisher : International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering

Amrita_CEN@FACT: Factuality Identification in Spanish Text

Authors : Premjith Bhavukam, Soman Kutti Padanay

Publisher : IberLEF@ SEPLN

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