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Sudy of phase transformation in calcium oxalate nanoparticles on annealing

Authors : Sreedevi R Mohan, S. Saravana Kumar, Lakshmi Mohan

Publisher : National Conference on Recent Advances in Surface Science (RASS 2013)

Dependence of the Storage Time of a Non-neutral Electron Plasma on the Magnetic Field in a Quadrupole Penning Trap, ISAMP-TC2013

Authors : S.Ananthamurthy, K.T.Satyajith, D.Datar, B.M. Dyavappa

Publisher : Atomic Processes in Plasmas (National Conference), IPR

A Numerical Investigation on Flow Over Curved Plates

Authors : Damu Murali, R Ajith Kumar, Dr. Srikrishnan A. R., Arunkumar K

Publisher : Proceedings of the 44th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power

Embedded Systems (International Version)

Authors : DP Kothari, Murali, RMD Sundaram, K. V. Shriramv

Publisher : New Age Academic Science

Screen Printed Carbon Electrode for the Fabrication of Immunosensor

Authors : Jyothi Sree.R, T.G.Satheesh babu, Vidhu Sara Vargis

Publisher : Recent Advances in Surface Science, RASS

Object Oriented Approach using C++

Authors : Subashri Vasudevan, Dr. Shriram K Vasudevan, D. P. Kothari

Coupled effect of superplasticizer dosage and fly ash content on strength and durability of concrete

Authors : N. Manomi, Dhanya Sathyan, Dr. Anand K. B.

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings

A Systematic Adaptation Scheme for English-Hindi Example-Based Machine Translation

Authors : Chatterjee, N, Dr. Deepa Gupta

Publisher : STRANS

Enhancement of tribological performance of centrifuge cast functionally graded Cu-10Sn-5Ni alloy with ceramic reinforcements

Authors : Radhika, N., Sam, M.

Publisher : Journal of Materials Research and Technology

Digital Electronics

Authors : K. V. Shriram, R. Sumana, Subashri, Jai Vighneshwar

Publisher : Scientific International Publishers Ltd (SIPL)

Facility recommendation system using domination set theory in graph

Authors : Sabarish, B.A., Vidhya, S.

Publisher : International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication

Development of a Computational Aeroelastic Model for a Helicopter in Level Flight and Maneuvering Conditions

Authors : Rohin M, Dr. Laxman Vaitla, Venkatesan C

Publisher : IISc Centenary International Conference and Exhibition on Aerospace Engineering

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