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Selection of governor for heavy duty gas turbine power plant

Authors : Dr. Balamurugan S., Xavier, R Joseph

Publisher : Government College of Technology, Coimbatore

Study of Infilled Framed Structures Using Artificial Neural Networks

Authors : Dr. Mini K. M., Subramanian K

Publisher : 5th International Confce AMCM ,Paper No.2/15.

Word Sense Disambiguation in Malayalam using Noun

Authors : Mohan Raj, S.N., Kumar, S.S., Rajendran, S., Soman, K.P.

Publisher : Springer

Design and development of on-chip coplanar strip open loop resonator filter

Authors : G. Lalu, B. S. Lekshmy, G. Narayanan, Dr. Sreedevi K Menon

Publisher : 2015 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)

Hardware trojan detection using deep learning technique

Authors : Reshma, K., Priyatharishini, M., Nirmala Devi, M.

Publisher : Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Wire load variation-based hardware trojan detection using machine learning techniques

Authors : Suresh Babu, N., Mohankumar, N.

Publisher : Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Re-visiting the One-Time Pad

Authors : Nithin Nagaraj, Vaidya, Vivek, Vaidya, Prabhakar G

Publisher : arXiv preprint cs/0508079

Synthesis of Aluminium Composites Using Squeeze Casting and Investigating the Effect of Reinforcements on Their Mechanical and Wear Properties

Authors : Krishna Kumar, R., Radhika, N., Sam, M.

Publisher : Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals

Remaining Life Assessment of High Pressure Parts and Pipework

Authors : P Raghuram

Publisher : Crescent Engineering College, Chennai

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