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The total antioxidant capacity of infant feeds at various handling temperatures – a comparative study

Authors : Arun Mamachan Xavier, Kavita Rai, Amitha M. Hegde

Publisher : OxidAntioxid Med Sci

Infant oral care – Marking a healthy approach

Authors : Arun Mamachan Xavier

Publisher : Dentcare

The diagnostic applications of cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) in Pediatric Dentistry

Authors : Manju Gopakumar, Arun Mamachan Xavier

Publisher : Res Rev J Dent Sci

Effect of carbonated beverages on aesthetic restorative materials – An in-vitro surface micro hardness study

Authors : Arun Mamachan Xavier, Steffy M. Sunny, Amitha M. Hegde

Publisher : Int J Ped Dent

Give good care to your teeth

Authors : Arun Mamachan Xavier

Publisher : Manorama Arogyam

Prenatal and Perinatal Oral Health Awareness and Promotion among Pregnant Women – A Dental Home Initiative

Authors : Arun Mamachan Xavier, Steffy M. Sunny, Radhamany K.

Publisher : Jpn J Ped Dent

Unique Approach to Dental Management of Children with Hearing Impairment.

Authors : Navanith Renahan, Dr. Balagopal Varma R., Parvathy Kumaran, Arun Mamachan Xavier

Publisher : Int J Clin Pediatr Dent

Influence of Vitamin D & calcium supplementation in the management of periodontitis

Authors : Jayachandran P., Menon, K.S.a, Kurup, S.b, Thomas, A.E.b, Angel Fenol, Rajesh Vyloppillil, Anuradha Bhaskar, Megha, S.a

Publisher : Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research

Reactive Plasmacytosis in a Relatively Rare Oral Subsite: A Case Report

Authors : Dr. Girisankar M, Dr. Shekhar, Dr. Jaeson Mohanan Painatt, Dr. Ravi V., Dr. Shyamsunder

Publisher : IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)

Tobacco habits and oral health status in selected Indian population

Authors : Vellappally, S.a b, Jacob, V.a b, Smejkalová, J.a b, Shriharsha, P.c, Kumar, V.d, Fiala, Z.a e

Publisher : Central European Journal of Public Health

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