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Parotid Sialolitiasis

Authors : Ponni Vijayavel, N.M.Praveena, Priya Ramani, Aravind M. S.

Publisher : Int J Dent Case Reports

Evaluation of Efficacy of 1% Curcuminoids as Local Application in Management of Oral Lichen Planus

Authors : Thomas AE, Varma B, Kurup S, Jose R, ChandyM, Kumar SP, Aravind M. S.

Publisher : Interventional Study.JCDR

Unicystic Ameloblastoma

Authors : Aravind M. S., Nair AH, Varma B., Jose R., Veeraraghavan R., Suresh R

Publisher : wjpr

Entrapped Foreign Body: A diagnostic Muddle for the Radiologis

Authors : Aravind M. S., Mohamed A, Varma B, Valappila NJ

Publisher : Indian J Dent

Tip of the Iceburg:The Dental Radiograph

Authors : Varma BR, Valappila NJ, Mohammed A, Aravind M. S.

Publisher : IJSS Case Reports & Reviews

Effect of Diameter and Surface Treatments on the Retentivity of New Esthetic Posts

Authors : Alapatt, Julie, Manjuran, Noxy;, Dr. Jaini J. L., Sreelal, Thankappan, Karunakaran, Harshakumar, Ravichandran, R

Publisher : International Journal of Preventive and Clinical Dental Research

Squamous Odontogenic Tumor: A Rare Presentation

Authors : Aravind M. S., Varma B, Sam DM, Jose R, Janardhanan M, Kumar SP

Publisher : wjpr

Assessment of Effectiveness of Integrated Teaching in Oral Radiology among Dental Students

Authors : Aravind M. S., Nair AH, Varma B., Jose R., Krishnan NA

Publisher : Amrita J Med

A Systematic Approach for Rehabilitation of Occlusion in Fixed Partial Denture

Authors : Zarina, Rita, Dr. Jaini J. L., Raj, Rajan

Publisher : International Journal of Preventive and Clinical Dental Research

Allergic Contact Stomatitis (stomatitis venenata): A Case Report of Oral Hypersensitivity Reaction to Tooth Paste

Authors : Aravind M. S., Ramachandran A., Varma B., Jose R., Sam LM

Publisher : Indian J Case Reports .

Sturge-Weber Syndrome – A Case Report

Authors : Aravind M. S., Menon U., Das LP

Publisher : Int J Sci Stud

Digital Versus Conventional Impressions in Dentistry: A Systematic Review

Authors : Sachin K Chandran, Dr. Jaini J. L., Anna Serene Babu, Anil Mathew, Arun Keepanasseril

Publisher : Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research

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